66| I've always wanted us to bond

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Marvolo's POV

"Stop it," I slapped Aziyraphaile's hand away as he tried taking the nail polish away from my hand, I began painting his thumb again only for him to try and take the Polish again, groaning and slapping his hand away once more he whined and kept moving.

"Stay fucking still." I gritted through my teeth as I wanted to slap him from the amount of movements he kept making, glancing up at him he pouted and scratched his chest with his unoccupied hand, leaving a slight red mark just below his neck. "You're talking too long," he threw his head back and started making random noises.

"It has been three minutes."

He paid no attention to my response, rolling my eyes at his dramatics I looked away from him and continued to polish his nails but the constant movements and irritating noises that he was making it was starting to get on my nerves.

Choosing to stay quiet and hoping that he'd stop on his own, it took two more minutes and I honestly couldn't concentrate since he in fact did not stop his annoying habit.

"You're killing me Ziyra, Shut. Up." to my own satisfaction he had clamped his mouth shut and stopped with the insufferable noises that he kept constantly making, pulling his hand towards me again I finally finished with his thumb and was now moving on to his middle finger, I was only halfway done when he started making the noises again and this time he was doing it far louder than before.

Clenching my jaw I shoved his hand away from me and began to close the lid on the nail polish, I had set the object on the nightstand and stood up, I felt a rush of coldness hit my lower body as I had forgotten I was naked, looking back at Aziyraphaile he had a pout still on his lips but his eyes stayed glued to my lower half that was fully exposed.

Scoffing at his shameless staring I took the dark grey covers away from him forcefully and pulled them off of him, "hey!" ignoring his shout I wrapped the soft covers around my waist and turned around to leave the room but before I could I felt a cold hand wrap around my arm, pulling me to turn back around.

Glaring up at Aziyraphaile I crossed my arms as I made sure that the covers were tightly around my waist and wouldn't fall, "you didn't finish," he held up his right hand that only had his pink, thumb and index finger painted as the rest were untouched except for his middle finger that was half done, "you couldn't stop moving and making infuriated noises with your fucking mouth so of course I didn't finish."

I could see him fighting to suppress a smirk and I furrowed my brows as I didn't know why, as I stared at him he started laughing making me more annoyed than I was. He's so weird, "what's so funny you little maniac?" I mocked and he stopped laughing

Though he showed annoyance, he held a smirk on his red lips, "I thought you liked the sounds I make with my mouth?" at his words, my eyes widened as I immediately understood what he meant, trying to control the burning feeling I felt in my cheeks as I could feel my face grow hotter, I cleared my throat and tried to divert the conversation.

"You can paint your own nails," I said quickly and immediately got out of his grasp, I left the room and heard his laughter as I went to a different room to put on clothes, at least I hoped the room had clothes in it cause I'm not walking around with just a blanket to cover myself.


"You're a fucking maniac, you are literally fucking insane!" I heard Regulus shout from downstairs as I was leaning against the railing, watching as he shouted at Aziyraphaile for cutting off Potters's hand, that was honestly amusing and quite funny seeing the pure shock and horror on his face.

It's been two days since that happened and Regulus never failed to curse and argue with my boyfriend, speaking of boyfriend, Aziyraphaile flat-out refused the constant begging from Regulus to restore Potter's hand, of course, he could've done it himself or gone to Saint Mungo's but Aziyraphaile warned him that if he did, he would kill Potter.

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖦𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖬𝖾𝗍 𝖱𝖾𝖽 | Tom Marvolo GauntWhere stories live. Discover now