71| Chasing Blaise

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Against all protests and muttering about how Aziyraphaile couldn't make his own suit for his wedding, he went against them all and managed to get back the needle and thread that Marvolo had taken from him, he also managed to find a sewing machine which is ironic because he doesn't even know how to use one.

He was on top of the roof at Gaunt Manor with many different fabrics spread out, he had many needles and threads lying in a basket beside him and in front of him was a sewing machine that he was trying to figure out how to work.

He clapped his hands together and picked up a random cloth before placing it under the machine and once he did he let go thinking that's what you're supposed to do, he was obviously very wrong, as soon as he let go of the ridiculously small cloth, it had started spinning around making holes in it before it finally tore.

Aziyraphaile pouted at the machine and as he went to pick up the torn pieces of what remained of the cloth the machine almost took his finger off as he had gotten too close, "you bitch," he mumbled and tried shutting off the machine but he didn't know how.

He tried looking for a button and tried saying multiple different spells but none worked, feeling frustrated with himself for not being able to turn the machine off he scowled at the object and picked it up before tossing it off the roof not caring if anyone was under when he tossed it.

He heard the sound of it breaking and he smiled in victory, "That was dramatic," he heard a voice from behind him and he immediately stopped smiling when he recognized the voice, turning around he was faced with his sister who had her arms crossed and a suit floating beside her.

"I got it to shut off didn't I?" he asked and Cassie could hear the disinterest in his voice, she rolled her eyes before walking closer to him and pulling the suit down so she could have it in her hands, "you're not a designer brother," she said with a soft voice and he flipped her off for it.

"And you are?" he asked bitterly, of course he knew she was amazing at making clothing items since most of his clothes were ones that she had made since he was always picky about where they had come from and what they felt like but when she made them they felt right.

Cassie tried to teach him how to design items but it always came out as a disaster, she would help him and put his hands in the correct position and when she took her hands off everything would collapse, he always gets frustrated when he can't do something so when that happens objects tend to break.

"We both know I'm fabulous at it," she waved off his bitter remark and showed him the suit which he could not deny did look incredible but he wouldn't let her know that of course, "it's mediocre sister, you could've done better, besides I don't need it I will make my own," he said while pointing at the objects on the roof.

Cassie's lips slightly parted at his cold response and she looked back at the suit that he deemed, mediocre, with a clenched jaw and scowl on her face, she looked back at her brother only to see him sitting down with his legs crossed as he tried getting the thread inside the needle.

She placed the suit down on a black chair and carefully walked behind him, once she was positioned behind him she raised her hand and waited until he had got the thread in the needle before harshly hitting the back of his head with her hand.

Aziyraphaile was about to celebrate but before he could he felt a small yet sharp pain in the back of his head "Ouchie," he turned around while he massaged the back of his head and glared at his younger sister as she did the same before he stood up and pointed a finger in her face.

"I'll kill you," he said harshly and Cassie scoffed before slapping his hand away, "that's funny because I recall saying I would do the same thing to you," she never took his threats seriously considering he threatened her on a daily basis, she can't says she hasn't done the same because she has, she may be the only one besides Marvolo, and Alexandria, to threaten him.

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