23| A New Spell & Marvolo

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"What are you doing tiny?" Cruella said as she slithered up on his bed, "trying to practice this damn curse I made." He said. "what does it do?" She asked as he sat down beside her to stroke her scales.

"The person whom the spell is cast upon, it boils their blood from the inside making it feel like the person was thrown in a pit of lava with no escape, and after two minutes of the curse being on them their skin starts to melt and they feel everything." He explained to her.

"So basically it's a very slow death?" "Yes, it is." He responded casually, "Show me!" She said eagerly making him laugh at her excitement, "alright alright." He said as he got up and pointed his wand at a dummy he had in the dorm.

"Avservia!" He shouted at the dummy making a jet of emerald green and black shoot out of his wand and at the dummy.
It took a minute he thought that perhaps it had to be used on a living thing for it to work but then the plastic on the dummy started to melt and eventually caught on fire.

"Oh shit, shit, shit, shit!" Cruella said as she was Slithering over his bed, at that time the other six Slytherins entered the room and saw the snake by Aziyraphaile as he was hissing frantically.

"When did you learn to swear?" He said trying to remember a spell, "You say it all the time that how tiny!" She said back making him roll his eyes, "Umm-umm, oh shit I got it Aguamenti!" He shouted as water burst from his wand towards the dummy that caught fire.

"What the fuck happened!" The six shouted after closing the door, "Stupify" Aziyraphaile shouted, but thankfully the others ducked before the spell could hit them. "Ziyra!" They shouted again.

"Well you shouldn't have sneaked up on me... you're lucky I didn't crucio you." He added quietly but they still heard him and looked at him with their mouths slightly open before Alexandria started walking towards him. "No, you touch me I will shave that red head of yours." He said smirking as she stopped and glared at him before laying on his bed Celeste joined her after a few seconds.

"What were you doing?" Cassiopeia asked her brother who kept a smirk on his face. "I was making my curse and I just mastered it, little sister." He said looking at all the shocked faces.

"Wait, wait, wait, you made your curse? how the hell did you do that," Celeste asked looking up from Alexandria's shoulder, "it wasn't easy I'll be honest but I will not tell you how you'll have to find out on your own otherwise you'll never accomplish anything." He said smugly making the other six groan.


Aziyraphaile was walking in the forbidden forest later that night to get fresh air and be away from Hogwarts for a while, it may not have been his smartest idea but he didn't care he had Cruella around his neck and they both failed to notice black smoke coming towards them.

"Hello there Ziyra," Marvolo said leaning against a tree trunk as he landed. Making Aziyraphaile scream and pick up a rock to throw at him, "Hey watch it." He said.

"You scared the shit out of me Marvolo! Is this what you do go around scaring people to death if so do stop it." He said with a hand on his chest trying to slow down his rapid heartbeat. Marvolo only smiled at the fact that he scared him also knowing that he wouldn't stop scaring him as well.

"I'm glad I scared you it was an achievement." He said putting his hands in his pocket, "Of course it was." Aziyraphaile muttered, "I heard that Ziyra." Marvolo said making Aziyraphaile groan "Merlin Marvolo do you have bionic ears or something," "No but I do have excellent hearing." He said as Aziyraphaile sat leaning against a tree.

"Beautiful snake." Marvolo said inspecting the snake wrapped around Aziyraphaile's shoulders, "Thank you." "What is its name?" He asked, "Her, and her name is Cruella."

"Nice to meet you." Marvolo said in parseltongue making the snake lift her head, "Ooh another speaker I like this one tiny, nice to meet you too, what's your name?" Cruella asked making Aziyraphaile roll his eyes knowing damn well she knows who he is.

"Tom Marvolo Gaunt." He introduced himself. "Ah okay, Marvin." She said making him gasp dramatically. "I don't like that name." He said sternly while making Aziyraphaile smirk, "I don't care." Cruella said as she wrapped herself around Aziyraphaile so she could fall asleep, Aziyraphaile looked at Marvolo for a moment.

He pats the spot next to him offering Marvolo to sit next to him not knowing if he would sit on the floor, Marvolo smiled slightly and walked over to him and sat down. They sat there looking up at the trees enjoying the breeze and darkness.

"I thought you'd freak out about seeing me for the first time since you came back to Hogwarts, you know with me being the dark lord and everything most people would scream and run." Marvolo said quietly breaking the silence, "I'm not most people Marvolo." Aziyraphaile said glancing at him.

"So I've noticed." He said back while also glancing at Aziyraphaile. The two stared at each other taking in each other's features and admiring the green and red in the eyes of the other.

"Your eyes are the same as the killing curse...did you know?" Marvolo said still not looking away from him as Aziyraphaile looked back up at the trees. He smiled upon hearing that not knowing how to respond for a moment.

"Your eyes are blood red like the expelliarmus spell." It was Marvolo's turn to smile at that finally taking his eyes off of the boy to look at the trees as well.

"I've never been alone with someone for this long before... it's strangely nice." Marvolo whispered. Aziyraphaile looked at him battling internally with himself for a minute "We could do this again if you'd like."

Marvolo looked into his emerald eyes the eyes that were always on his mind and for the first time in his entire life he blushed, "I... I'd like that." He whispered as the two smiled at each other.

They stared at each other silently before they were both leaning in slightly until they heard a howl in the distance breaking them out of their trance, Marvolo got up and was about to leave before he looked back at Aziyraphaile and offered his hand. Aziyraphaile looked at it before accepting it as Marvolo helped him off of the ground the two were standing closer to each other now.

"You should get back... you don't want to get in trouble." Marvolo said looking slightly up at him. Aziyraphaile nodded his head before removing his hand from Marvolo's realizing their hands were still holding each other.

Marvolo smiled at him before apparating again, "Ughh so stupid, you should go back, fucking idiot." Marvolo said mimicking himself and then throwing himself on his bed as he landed back in Gaunt Manor. He was so close so fucking close and that stupid howl got in their way.

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖦𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖬𝖾𝗍 𝖱𝖾𝖽 | Tom Marvolo GauntWhere stories live. Discover now