19| Clingy

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"BeLlAaaaaaaA?" Rodolphus whined as he was walking around Lestrange Manor, "Where are youuuuuu?"

"oh no." Bellatrix who heard him was trying to hide in the library to get away from him.

Rodolphus had been incredibly annoying to Bellatrix, his brother, and even the Malfoys, ever since the kids left for school. He's either always clinging to Bellatrix or he's always asking when the kids are coming home for brake, or he's always complaining that he's bored. It's safe to say that the family wants to lock him in a coffin underground.

"Please don't find me, please don't find me." She muttered to herself praying to Salazar that he didn't come into the library, but then the library door opened making her eyes widen as she tried to find a place to hide which may be easy considering the library was huge.

"Bellaaaaaa?" He asked more like whined, rubbing his eyes, "Stop avoiding meee!" He stomped his foot hoping she would come out, Which she didn't.

"Fine." He said louder taking out his wand. "Accio Bellatrix!" He shouted.

"Idiot." She muttered, you can't Accio a living thing the idiot never learns. While she was weighing her options on whether to go to her husband or stay hidden, she failed to notice him tip-toeing around the library trying to find her.

Rodolphus was quietly top-toeing when he spotted a set of dark curls that was visible from a shelve that only had a few books on it, making him smirk.

"Boo!" He shouted jumping from the side to scare her which worked, as she was screaming he was laughing with his hand on his stomach doubling over, when she stopped she started to reach for his hair and dragged him out of the library.

"Ouchie Bella stop it!" He grumbled trying to remove her hand from his head with no success so he just accepted it and let her drag him downstairs towards the living room.

She had finally let go of his hair when they reached the fireplace, "what are you doing love?" He questioned as she grabbed flow powder, "We're going to Lucius and Cissy's." She said firmly with a finger pointed at him making him pout.

As she went he was grumbling and muttering.
"I don't wanna go." But he still got in the fireplace. "Malfoy Manor!" He shouted lazily throwing the powder on the floor.

As he exited the fireplace he noticed the Malfoys and Bellatrix with their arms crossed looking at him, "I didn't want to come!" He shouted, moving behind Bellatrix to wrap his arms around her waist while he laid his chin on her shoulder.

"So what exactly do you want us to do with him?" Narcissa questioned her sister while pointing at the man behind her who pouted while sticking his tongue out at her while Making Lucius and Narcissa roll their eyes.

"I need the dark lord to give him a damn task anything to get him off my back." She said pointing at the man who still didn't move from behind her and instead put his face in her neck muttering protests.

"You couldn't have called him yourself?" Lucius said trying to not laugh at his sister-in-law. "I didn't want to be myself." She defended. "You have meee." Rodolphus pointed out moving his head a bit, "No I'm stuck with you there's a difference." Narcissa laughed that her sister could be so cruel sometimes.

"Fine, only because we know how much of a handful that one is." Lucius pointed to Rodolphus who stuck his middle finger out at him.

He rolled up his sleeve to call the dark lord who came in twenty seconds later, "yes," Voldemort drawled out. "My lord," Bellatrix called as he turned to face her but raised an eyebrow when he saw the man behind her refusing to let go.

"My lord... I understand that you don't do favours but if you can I would like to ask if you could give Rodolphus a task to do?" She pleaded making Rodolphus tighten his hold on her waist pulling her closer to him.

"And why should I do that?" The dark lord asked finding it amusing how he found Rodolphus Lestrange flat out refusing to let go of his wife.

"My lord if I may, Rodolphus is one of the best death eaters but if we stay with him much longer I'm sure that he won't be around for long," This time it was Narcissa who spoke.

Voldemort thought for a moment, on one hand, he would gladly give one of his most loyal death eaters a task but on the other, he couldn't figure out what task to give him, he didn't do favours but he figured that this wasn't one.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before turning back to Rodolphus who put his face back in Bellatrix's neck, "since he is one of my loyal death eaters i believe I could give him a task... Rodolphus."

Rodolphus whimpered in his wife's neck making her smile and bite back an eye roll which she seemed to have been doing almost every second. "Yes, my lord?" He said once he lifted his head but still held onto his wife.

"I want you to go find a muggle- family to torture or find a ministry worker to get information on Potter because the one I grabbed barely gave me any information I needed." "Yes, my lord." He pouted a bit making Voldemort roll his eyes.

"Now Rodolphus." "Yes, my lord." Rodolphus reluctantly let go of Bellatrix who smirked at him, he pouted before kissing her and walking outside of the room to leave the Malfoy manor.

"Thank you, my lord, he has been very annoying since our children went back to Hogwarts," Bellatrix said glancing at him, Voldemort nodded about to leave before he turned to her again.

"Tell Aziyraphaile to write to me I must speak with him." He stated firmly, making her nod "Yes my lord." And with that he apparated.

"Since you're finally free of Rodolphus for a while what are you going to do?" Narcissa asked leaning her head on Lucius's shoulder.

"I'm going to get some peace and quiet like I should have called the dark lord sooner," Bellatrix said walking back to the fireplace.

"have a good day or two because knowing Rodolphus he'll try to get the task over with just so he could cling to you." Narcissa laughed as Bellatrix groaned and stuck out her middle finger before going back to her manor.

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