47| Join Or Die

139 6 3

"Harry.." Regulus said softly as he entered the dungeon. He saw Harry tied up by the wrists, ankles, and stomach. Regulus squinted his eyes and he saw little needles on the ropes every time Harry tried moving the robes tightened and it pierced his skin making him scream.

"Regulus?" Harry said and turned his head towards him, making sure not to move his body too much, "Yeah, I.. I came to talk, give you a chance of making it out alive."

Regulus grabbed a chair and placed it in front of Harry, "you'll betray your brother?" Harry asked hopefully, "No, no I would never be able to betray my brother, my family means everything to me, I'm here to convince you to change sides." As Regulus said that Harry moved back in his chair forgetting about the needles in the ropes.

Harry screamed as he felt them pierce his skin, "Stop moving-" "I'm not fucking joining the death-eaters!" He shouted, "You're-" "and I'm not killing anybody." Harry cut Regulus off again, "Would you shut the fuck up!" Regulus shouted making Harry flinch, he was getting irritated at how Harry wouldn't let him talk.

"Thank you, if you join my brother isn't going to kill you, if you join... my brother wants something from you Harry," he knew that this probably wasn't the best way to get him to switch sides but he had to try, "I'd rather die than betray my friends and join the man that killed my parents," Harry said firmly.

At that point Aziyraphaile decided to make his entrance by kicking the door to the dungeon open, with a loud bang as it hit the wall, "then death it is." Aziyraphaile grinned and grabbed his wand, he pointed it at Harry beginning to say the spell, and this time Harry wasn't going to come back.

"Avada-" "No stop it, I can get him to join!" Regulus shouted and got in front of Harry forcing his brother to let down his wand, the other three men in the room had wide eyes as they saw Regulus get in front of the wand ready to take the curse, Aziyraphaile however went from looking shocked to very angry, and that scared Regulus.

Aziyraphaile started walking towards Regulus and when he got in front of him he slapped him in the face, Regulus fell to the floor holding the side of his face in pain, Harry flinched at the sound that echoed across the dungeon, Marvolo just stood there with his arms crossed.

Aziyraphaile was beginning to get sick of his brother always defending Potted, he leaned down and grabbed him by the arm, harshly pulling him up, he moved his hands from his arm and put one hand on his brother's face and the other on his lower jaw.

"What the fuck did you think you were doing huh? I fucking told you to get him to our side and you can't even do that, then your fucking stupid ass goes and jumps in front of my fucking wand as I was about to cast the fucking killing curse!" He shouted at his brother and tightened his hold on his face, he let go and punched him in the face causing him to fall to the floor again.

"Get up!" He shouted and pulled him by his hair to stand, Regulus had blood in his mouth, blood in his nose that was falling, and a cut under his eye that was beginning to bruise. He started crying not liking how his brother was acting and how he was treating him.

"Stop it!" He shouted as more tears fell from his eyes, he had his arms in front of his face in a protective manner as his brother had a bruising grip on his arms, shaking and screaming at him.

"Stop it Ziyra!" He shouted again and this time Aziyraphaile listened and loosened his grip on his arms, "That spell could have fucking killed you if I said it faster." Aziyraphile said and took his hands off of his brothers' arms that left marks.

Regulus was trying his best to wipe the blood off of his face but when he put too much pressure more of it came out, he was still crying not liking the way his brother changed so suddenly, "what happened to you?" He whispered and whipped his eyes, Aziyraphaile looked at his brother and placed his hands in his pants pocket.

"What do you mean?" He said as he glared at Harry who stared at Regulus, "You've changed, the Aziyraphaile I knew would never hurt his family." Regulus said looking into his brothers' emerald eyes that seemed too distant from reality.

"I've never changed Reggie, this has always been who I am... I've just been great at pretending and hiding it, and now that it's out I don't want to go back to how I used to be." Aziyraphaile hated talking about his emotions it was one of the many things that got him angry, he hated the pity looks he hated it all.

"The way you used to be was fun and you would never hurt me-" Regulus was cut off by his brother, "I was trapped, I had been taking potions ever since I was a child, I was never truly happy Regulus it was all just an act because I couldn't tell anyone what was happening or else I would've been in the hospital for being insane, hell maybe I am maybe I'm not I don't even know anymore, all I know is that I want to cause pain to anyone that has ever hurt me. And if it means hurting my family in the process I'll try to avoid it as best as I possibly can... but sometimes it's inevitable to avoid the things that have cursed you."

Aziyraphaile was being honest, for once. He doesn't know if he's insane or not, he doesn't know anymore he confuses people for others, he confuses the present from the past and he plays it off as if it was a joke because that's how he copes.

He watched his whole act fall apart and all did was stare blankly because that's all he could do, he couldn't try to keep it together because the truth is he was tired of pretending to be someone he wasn't, and he was sick of the potions.

"I don't know who that Aziyraphaile was Regulus but I do know that this is the real me and sooner or later you will have to learn to accept it because I'm not changing anytime soon or ever," Aziyraphaile said firmly choosing not to speak his thoughts or emotions.

"I'll do it but I'm not killing anyone, and I'm sure as hell not killing muggle-borns." Harry interrupted Regulus before he could say anything, Aziyraphaile nodded his head choosing not to comment on his wording for the mudbloods, he could find other ways to make him kill.

"Fine, you will keep Regulus updated and not spill anything to the light side, I will give you your first task in a month and the task is something you must do or say goodbye to your life." Aziyraphaile said firmly and cast a quick "episkey." On his brother before undoing the robes on Harry Potter, he felt Marvolo grab his hand making him calm down only slightly.

"Thank you," Harry said, if he was being honest with himself he didn't join the death-eater and they all knew it, he did it because he knew that sometimes you can't choose who you become especially when you've been too deep in the madness, he also did it because he may have started to accept his crush on Regulus Lestrange.

He wouldn't tell anyone about this only that he was taken prisoner and drained of his powers before they became full again and he managed to escape with his life but only mildly.

"I'll make sure to keep them afraid of you, I'll tell them that you tortured me for days, which isn't a lie. I'll tell them that you were brutal and repeatedly stopped my heart for a few seconds before bringing me back again," he said and he saw a maniacal look cross Aziyraphaile Lestrange's eyes.

"Good Potter, go before we change our minds," Marvolo said, Regulus grabbed Harry's arm placed it around his neck, and proceeded to walk him out of the dungeon, then the manor.

Regulus apparated them to Saint Mungos and dropped Harry off by the alley, "Be careful." Regulus said, "You too." Harry smiled weakly and before he could walk towards the hospital Regulus grabbed his wrist pulling him into his chest, Regulus decided to be bold. He leaned down and kissed Harry who was shocked but kissed back after a moment.

Harry never thought he'd enjoy kissing a boy before but he enjoyed kissing Regulus he tasted like mint and strawberries a taste that Harry enjoyed. Regulus pulled away and looked down at him with a wide smile, "Sorry about my brother torturing you." He said softly, "It wasn't you who did it." Harry replied.

The two simultaneously thought of the fact that Regulus stabbed Harry but chose not to bring it up, "I'll see you soon, keep me updated." Regulus reluctantly let him go, "I will." Harry smiled before turning around and heading back towards the hospital.

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖦𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖬𝖾𝗍 𝖱𝖾𝖽 | Tom Marvolo GauntWhere stories live. Discover now