77| Vows Pt. 2

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Aziyraphaile's POV

Marvolo was being a jerk, here I was dancing to the music that I reluctantly let Sirius pick out, and Marvolo was hiding in a corner covering his face with his hands to avoid being spotted, I was shouting at him to come join me and dance with his new husband and he shakes his head quickly as if he was embarrassed by me.

Why would be be embarrassed? I was just moving my head back and forth letting my hair go in multiple directions and dancing with Blaise like- okay yeah I can see why he was embarrassed, we did look like lunatics dancing and bumping into each other like we were about to fight.

When I turned back around he wasn't there, how dare my husband wander off he knows he can't go anywhere alone, "Tommy?!" I shouted causing many people to look at me except for my sister, Alexandria and Blaise who just laughed at the same while I began walking around to try and find him.

"Tommy?!" I shouted again and heard a loud groan from beside me causing me to turn to the side only to find Marvolo eating cake while glaring at me, I scrunched up my nose in distaste at the food but sat down beside him on the other chair while moving it more closer to his.

"Hello, Tommy," I said and he started talking with his mouth full causing me to put a hand under his chin to get him to stop since it was very improper, "that's unsanitary mon amour and I prefer it if you will not speak with your mouth full," I said firmly and he moved his head out of my hand making me pout.

"I said, don't call me that," he said once he finished swallowing the cake in his mouth, I tilted my head and rolled my eyes before slouching back in my seat with my legs and arms crossed, groaning softly when I noticed my brother and Potter dancing together.

"Marvin," I mumbled and received a sharp hit on my thigh causing me to turn to see my husband glaring at me for calling him another nickname, "you're irritating," he said and shoved a piece of black chocolate cake in my mouth and all over my face as he smeared it around, I immediately got up and spit it out as I gagged at the aftertaste.

I really fucking hate cake, the cake was all over my face and I wanted to rip his head off but I couldn't because of this damn silver ring on my finger, when I looked back at him I can see him openly laughing while eating the cake still and others stared in shock and amusement.

His laugh was so pure and heartwarming but he put the cake on my beautiful face and now I had to wash it off, "you're a mean husband," I pointed at him and he pretended to bite my finger with a smirk as I stomped off and went back inside the manor towards the bathroom while hearing Marvolo's mockery.


"Stupid...pretty...dumb...husband," I muttered as I splashed water on my face trying to get rid of the cake, I grabbed a black towel and patted my face while moving some wet hair out of my eyes that had gotten wet from the water and when I glanced up in the mirror I took a deep breath and closed my eyes hoping he'd go away.

When I opened my eyes again he was still standing behind me with a serious expression and clenched jaw with a wand in his hands, I turned around and he raised his sand slightly. "This is my wedding Montgomery... don't you fucking wreck this for me," I said and he kept his face neutral.

"Cheers!" I heard faint shouts from the open window and when I glanced out of it I saw my siblings, Alexandria, Blaise and Barty Couch Jr. Knocking their glasses against my husbands causing a faint smile to appear on my face.

however, when I looked back at the man in front of me his wand was directly pointed at my dads only a few inches from touching my nose. "You want him dead," he said and I shook my head, when will he get over this petty thought that I want the love of my life dead?

Never, he'd never get over it because he holds a grudge that I, myself do not know, his eyes were pure black as they stared into mine and I shook my head when I saw his wand glow a faded light green for a moment before fading, tears started to appear in my eyes and my vision got blurry as I could only imagine what he was thinking.

"I've dreamed of being married since I was a child, I never thought that I'd be able to love someone that I choose and not someone that was chosen for me... I love him Montgomery, I know what you're thinking and I am begging you, I am begging you not to... please," I whispered the last word but it went through deaf ears.

"He must be mortal so we can kill him... you're the only one who can child," he said and as his wand started to glow again I slapped his hand away but before I could grab him, he gripped my arm and threw me forward causing me to slam against the stone floor harshly, but I didn't care about the pain as I turned around and laid on my back for a moment.

I sat up and as I was on my knees, about to get up, his wand was pointed directly at my forehead, his eyes held nothing but anger and hatred and his hand stayed steady with no indication of hesitation or remorse as his jaw was firmly clenched while he stared me in the eyes.

My eyes flicked between his and my breathing started to pick up when I discreetly touched my pockets and couldn't feel my wand anywhere, I could feel a tear leave my eye as my lips parted but I couldn't do anything as his mouth moved to say a word but my ears chose to not hear it.

His wand grew a dangerous light faded green and my eyes went dry, I wanted to scream but my mouth stayed shut, I started seeing memories fade, memories that I made with my... That's Voldemort.

"Do you remember our plan?" I heard a faint voice say and my vision is so screwed up at the moment that I had to blink a few times to get it back, glancing up I saw my old friend, "Montgomery?"

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