75| Photoshoot

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Aziyraphaile kept the pout on his face as he glared at his fiancè who was pleading with him to have a smile on his face so Regulus and Harry could take their picture but he remained stubborn as he kicked him in the ankle.

"Ouchie," Marvolo mumbled but quickly clamped his mouth shut when he realized he said that out loud, he turned around and glared at the two teens as they accidentally let a laugh slip through, "Don't you ever mention this," he warned and the two placed a finger on their lips and they had their other hand behind their back as their fingers were crossed.

When Marvolo turned back towards Aziyraphaile he could see him trying to remain stern but when their eyes met Aziyraphaile couldn't help the wide smile that formed on his lips as he was glad that the word was implanted in his mind. "I'm still mad at you," he said quickly when Marvolo smiled at him.

The two didn't even realize that as soon as Aziyraphaile smiled Harry had already taken their picture just without the flash and was still going, "Forgive them, love, they care deeply for each other and you're only making it hard on them," Marvolo placed this hands on his fiancè's face.

"You made him your best man, you betrayed me," Aziyraphaile said with a stern look on his face that Marvolo found cute rather than intimidating, "I would never betray you, my love, but you want him in this wedding even if you won't admit it," Marvolo said and he was right.

No matter how much Aziyraphaile may be mad at Blaise now he would always still be his best friend, his brother, and he couldn't stay mad at him forever even if he tried. "I don't wanna forgive them, they lied to me, you lied to me," Aziyrapahile said and he crossed his arms while glaring at Marvolo, his brother and Harry Potter.

"I don't like this paring, why are you two even together?" he asked as he glared at Potter who scoffed, "Because he makes me feel like the pretty prince I am... so fuck off," Regulus said and flipped his brother off while Aziyraphaile started plotting his death in his mind.

"Still doesn't explain why he's here," Aziyraphaile mumbled "I'm here because he's here, it's not because I want to be here," Harry said as he defended himself, he didn't want to be anywhere near the dark lord or Aziyraphaile but he loved Regulus even if he hadn't told him yet, so he came when he asked for his help.

Aziyraphaile started moving his neck around as he begins to feel uncomfortable with the itchy fabric against his skin and mentally curses his sister for making clothes that soothe his skin because now he can't wear anything that wasn't made by her without feeling uncomfortable.

"Stop moving," Marvolo said and tried getting Aziyraphaile's head to stay still but he kept moving out of his grasp, "it's itchy... your clothes are shit," Aziyraphaile complained as he lifted one hand off of his fiancè's waist and unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt and rubbed his neck.

"Your skin is just sensitive," Marvolo said before his eyes turned hard and he forced Aziyraphaile to keep his head still and face down so they were looking into each other's eyes, "stay still or I'll grab a knife and stab you with it," he threatened and Aziyraphaile smirked.

"A knife? Are you flirting with me mon amour?" Aziyraphaile asked and Regulus and Harry took their photo again without them even noticing, "you're so irritating I'm about to smother you to death," Marvolo said as he just wanted to get this over with and he was sure Aziyraphaile wanted the same thing.

"Is that a promise?" Aziyraphaile asked and before Marvolo could say anything he felt Aziyraphaile's lips against his making him stay still for a moment because of his annoyance but he soon reciprocated the kiss.

"We got the photos!" Regulus shouted as he didn't want to see his brother continue to make out with his fiancè while he was still in the room because their hands were everywhere.

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