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Hi... I'm so sorry once again , updated have been slower these last few weeks , school is kicking my ass and I work on weekends and I'm in a new relationship so yayy (she's the best) but all these things make writing a lot more difficult but I do get there .... Thanks for all your comments and for always sticking around xx

Hope you enjoy this chapter xxx

Carina groaned as she woke up. Rolling Maya's body off of her own so she could stretch . Once she had woken up panic flooded her body as she glanced over at the clock .

"Fuck" She whispered . It was 10 am , both her and Maya started work at half ten this morning . It had been a couple days since they got back from the trip . Maya had her appointment with Diane on Monday which went well and her appointment with Doctor Mitchell yesterday which also went good as they played some games and learned some new techniques to help ease Maya in an episode .

But they had both been exhausted and Carina must have forgotten to set the alarm . Their usual morning routine was about an hour and a half long as they liked to have a good casual breakfast followed by some cuddles and milk and then they  had sufficient time to get dressed and get Maya out of her headspace is that was the case.

"Maya my love" Carina said rubbing Maya's back.

"M-mama" Maya whined opening her eyes slowly but quickly shutting them at the light in the room.

"Hi babygirl , we have to wake up , we are late" Carina said scooping Maya up into her arms .

"I- I no wan ta go work Mama" Maya said tears falling from her eyes as Carina carried her to the nursery.

"Why not bubs" Carina said laying Maya down to make quick work of changing her diaper .

"I wan Mama" Maya said , Carina could clearly see it was a lie but she didn't push her any further , she could just be tired .

"I know Bella , but we have to go to work, no?" Carina said , pulling a pair of Maya's Calvin Klein underwear up her legs before dressing her in her uniform , usually Maya did her uniform herself and this is what helped her come out of her headspace but they didn't really have time for it this morning .

Carina did Maya's hair before getting herself ready quickly .

"Why don't you grab your bag and shoes baby and I'll get something for you to eat" Carina said hoping this would help Maya .

It did in fact because Maya came down the stairs clearly in her big headspace.

"Carina why wasn't the alarm set" Maya said coming down with her bag on her back and shoes in her hand .

"I don't know love , we were both exhausted, it's fine though we will get to work on time" Carina said kissing Maya's forehead .

"Okay" Maya mumbled .

"Why are your shoes not on love" Carina asked .

"Can't do them , I need different shoes" Maya said embarrassed.

"Your okay bambina sit up there and I'll do them for you" Carina said not making Maya feel judged just like Dr.Mitchell had told her .

"Eat your porridge babygirl" Carina said as she finished tying Maya's shoes .

Maya nodded and told Carina how yummy it was but Carina noticed Maya was eating extremely slowly . It was a thing Carina had come to love about Maya . When she first met Maya she would eat so quickly that she nearly choked because she was scared the food would be taken away from her . But now Maya felt comfortable enough to eat slowly , but unfortunately it was just a bit too slow for the morning that was in it .

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