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Ugh I'm so sorry again . I will always come back to post though even if I take a break or take a little longer to past then usual I don't think I could abandon this story everrrr :)

Anyways enjoy this chapter....

"Mamamama" Maya cried as she woke up once again in a coughing fit.

"I'm here little one , I'm right here" Carina said holding Maya on her lap and placing her inhaler in her mouth once again.

"Ma" Maya whined trying to bury herself in Carina's neck.

"I know lovey" Carina said standing up out of bed with Maya on her hip. She made sure to support Maya's neck because Maya was definitely in a really little headspace right now.

Carina walked out to the kitchen and got a heat pack before walking into the living room .

Maya was crying her little eyes out at this point so Carina acted fast .

She pulled out Maya's blanket and laid her on the floor before pulling off her pjs leaving her in her diaper .

She knew she had to keep Maya in an upright position so it was easier for her to breathe so she quickly picked up the sobbing baby and sat on the couch . She relaxed back and held the warm heat pack to Maya's chest hoping it would relive some of her pain.

If this didn't work she would try something else before taking Maya to the doctor . She wasn't too worried as Maya was very prone to chest infections and heat and medication usually did the job.

Maya instantly relaxed back against her Mama when the heat pack was placed on her chest .

"That's better baby girl isn't it" Carina said rubbing Maya's tummy softly .

"Bababah" Maya gurgled happy that her chest was feeling better.

"Let's watch some tv hmm" Carina said turning on bluey for Maya .

"Babababa" Maya squealed pointing towards the tv.

"Yeah baby , do you see bluey" Carina laughed . She hadn't seen Maya this little in a while and she couldn't help smiling at how adorable Maya was .

They both eventually fell asleep on the couch , being up a couple times through the night exhausted them both .

Carina was the first to wake up, Maya was still asleep but she was shivering , she was still only in her diaper which seemed to be wet so she stood up gently with Maya in her in her arms.

"Mamamamama" Maya groaned at the movement .

"Hi lovey , let's get you clean hmm" Carina said .

Maya gurgled up at Carina before coughing a little bit. Her cough sounded a lot better after all the medicine she had yesterday but she decided she would keep Maya off work today anyway . The brunette already had the day off anyway.

She laid Maya down on her change table and took off her soiled diaper before giving her a quick wipe down. She then picked up a now naked and wriggly Maya and brought her to their room . She laid her down on their bed and let her down on her tummy . Maya preferred being on her tummy rather than her back anyway and it was better for her chest right now to be on her tummy . Carina watched as Maya adorably tried to lift herself up babbling away to herself while she took out her phone.

"Hi Robert it's Carina" The brunette said to Maya's captain. Even though Robert and Maya had their differences in the past he was very accommodating to Maya's little side and was very understanding.

"Hi Carina is everything okay" Robert asked.

"Not really , Maya has come down with a chest infection, it was worse last night and I have gotten on top of it but I think I need to keep her off work today" Carina said .

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