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Chapter 44 ... enjoyyy xx

The next morning Carina woke up alone in bed and could smell the delicious smell of pancakes in the air . She smiled to herself as she realized Maya must have woken up big and decided to cook the only breakfast she knew how to cook without burning it .

Carina threw on her robe and walked out to the kitchen . Maya was at the stove with her back to Carina , she was still in her white snuggly pjs Carina had dressed her in last night , they had little ponies on them and Maya looked adorable .

"Morning Bambina" Carina said gently , she didn't want to scare Maya .

"Morning Car , I-I'm cooking breakfast" Maya said shyly .

"That's nice of you Bella , are you okay" Carina said noticing Maya didn't seem like herself .

"I-I wanted to say I'm sorry , f-for the last few days , I-I must have been such a hassle , I-I-I s-shouldn't have t-taken you away from work like that , I-Im sorry" Maya said beginning to cry .

She had woken up big and snuggled up against Carina before it hit her what had happened the last few days . She felt horrible that it had been her fault that she had taken Carina from her convention.

"Hey , No Bambina , it's okay it's okay , don't cry" Carina said walking over to Maya and turning off the stove .

"B-b-but it's I-it's m-m-my f-fault I-i" Maya stuttered , placing a hand on her chest as she tried to breathe .

"Maya , bella come here , respira.. Bambina" Carina said taking Maya's hand and guiding them to the living room . She sat down on the couch and sat Maya between her legs.

"Breathe Maya , breathe for me" Carina said . She wrapped her arms tightly around Maya to ground her while Maya continued to try and breathe .

"Maya baby , tell me four things you can see" Carina said , she had learned this exercise worked really well with Maya when she was having a panic attack .

"I s-see t-the couch , your l-legs , t-the coffee t-table , t-the tv" Maya said her breathing already beginning to regulate .

"Good girl , and what about three things you can feel babygirl" Carina said .

"I feel , the couch and your hands around me , and your breathing" Maya said leaning her ear against Carina's chest .

"Good Mai , and two things you can smell" Carina said .

"T-the pancakes and y-you" Maya said sniffling .

"Good , good girl Maya your doing so well , what about one thing you can hear" Carina said

"I hear your heartbeat" Maya said relaxing finally against Carina .

"Good girl Maya" Carina said kissing Maya on the forehead . She turned Maya in her lap so she was more comfortable against Carina .

"Baby can you listen to me" Carina said rubbing Maya's back . Maya nodded slowly in response .

"You have nothing to be sorry for Maya , I was able to do all my talks and lectures online with you right here next to me in your swing and I was so happy that I could do it with you here next to me" Carina said .

"I know , but I still feel bad , like something is wrong with me , I don't know why I felt like that , I just wanted you , and I couldn't feel happy until you were back" Maya said .

"I know , you were feeling really overwhelmed Maya and that's understandable, you were very little yesterday but I had a good talk with Diane , she's going to up your sessions again so we can work on your separation anxiety" Carina explained .

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