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Enjoy xxx

The lead up to Maya'a birthday was nothing big . Carina had talked to big Maya about it and had agreed to go out for dinner on the Thursday night . The blonde still didn't know about the camping trip and Carina wanted to keep it that way .

It was Wednesday night , the night before Maya'a birthday and Carina was wrapping all Maya's gifts . She had of course gotten some for both little and big Maya . She wrapped her big presents in plain navy wrapping and her little presents in purple wrapping with little dogs with birthday hats on it .

Maya should be back in about an hour so it gave Carina loads of time to wrap them and hide them at the top of the closet where she knew Maya couldn't reach .

The brunette knew Maya wasn't a huge fan of her birthday because to the blonde it wasn't a big deal because that's what she was taught by Lane . On her birthday as a child she got one present that was often to do with running and they would maybe have something special for dinner . The only time she did anything remotely different was when she had her sleepover and her friend drank one of her dads cokes . She never really celebrated her birthday after that until Carina came along .

"Carina I'm home" Carina heard Maya's tired voice shout from the kitchen .

"Hi baby , one minute" Carina said quickly putting the rest of the presents into the cupboard .

"Hi bambina" Carina said running out to the kitchen as Maya was putting her coat on the rack .

"Hey , how was your day" Maya said walking straight into Carina's open arms .

"It was good Bambina , work was busy , how was your day" Carina said smiling as Maya tucked her head into Carina's neck showing no signs of leaving Carina's arms .

"Busy , tired , got no sleep or nap" Maya mumbled .

"Awh poor baby , well we both have the day off tomorrow for your birthday" Carina said leaving a little kiss on Maya's head .

"Yeah I'm excited for that" Maya smiled up at Carina . Maya was very excited to just get a day off and she gets to spend it with Carina .

"Yeah your excited about your birthday?" Carina said slightly confused .

"Mmhmm cause get to spend it with you" Maya said sleepiness lacing her voice .

"Yes bambina we can spend all day together" Carina smiled but she could sense Maya was tired and she probably was going to slip .

"Do you want to slip baby" Carina asked .

"Mmm" Maya whined grasping at Carina's waist .

"Okay baby , okay shh for Mama" Carina said reaching under Maya's armpits and lifting her up so her legs hung around her waist .

Carina walked around the apartment putting dinner into a container and into the fridge because she sensed Maya wouldn't be eating food tonight and would probably just be on her breast for the night .

"Potty" Maya mumbled half asleep , Carina walked quickly to the bathroom but she was too late . Maya whimpered as tears fell down her cheeks . Maya hadn't had an accident in awhile but she was obviously very tired and Carina should have immediately changed her when she slipped .

"It's okay Bambina , Mama is sorry she forgot to put on a diaper" Carina said . She quickly jumped into action as Maya continued to cry . She was non verbal and very clearly upset . Carina stripped Maya down before taking her own clothes off as they had gotten wet as well .

She turned on the shower and stepped in with Maya still in her arms . Maya's tears stopped once the warm water hit her back .

"That's it princess , shhh shhh" Carina soothed . Maya palmed at Carina's boob and whined as she tried to move her head towards it . The little blonde was clearly hungry so once they were clean Carina got Maya into a warm fresh towel before sitting down on the couch in their bedroom  to let Maya nurse.

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