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Chaptwr 21....

Enjoy xxx

It was Sunday morning and Maya was going back to work tomorrow which made both Carina and Maya a bit anxious .

Maya had been bigger for most of Saturday and they had talked about how everything would go when she goes back to work .

Maya knows she won't be able to be little as often as she has been for the last few weeks . Carina had promised Maya though that they would make time for little Maya as best as they could and their weekends would be free for whatever Maya wanted to do whether that be while big or little .

Maya's nursery was finished and both of them loved it . It was all white furniture, her crib was up against the back wall with her white and blue mobile above it . Maya had napped in their yesterday and she had loved it so much . Her mobile played soft instrumental music . The music was Italian , as Carina had found it on one of her Italian websites . It had little blue birds on it and Maya adored it .

She had also nursed from their new rocking chair yesterday and Carina loved it she loved having a space where Maya could express her little side now and Carina was a little obsessed with all her new furniture.

This morning Maya woke up feeling super little . She wanted to spend her last day off small .

She woke up before Carina and instantly cried when her Mama was still asleep .

Maya couldn't understand why Carina was still asleep while in her newborn headspace . She sobbed loudly and wriggled around bringing her hands up to rub her eyes . She felt hungry and wanted milk but she couldn't get to her Mama . Why wasn't she awake? She also couldn't find her pacifier which only made her cry more .

"Hey baby , hey Shhh Maya" Carina said , half asleep. She looked over at the clock and realized it was only 5 in the morning .

Carina took Maya in her arms and instantly brought her hand around to support Maya's head realizing she was feeling really tiny .

"Shh my tiny baby , are you hungry" Carina said as she checked Maya's diaper finding her dry . She realized Maya must be hungry if she was up this early .

Maya looked at her wide eyed as she took of her pj shirt . Carina helped Maya latch as she drank hungrily . She kneaded Carina's breast as she drank her milk and Carina held Maya close .

Carina switched Maya over to her other breast after about 15 minutes . Once Maya was happily latched to her other breast the brunette switched on the tv and scrolled before turning on an episode of criminal minds on low volume .

When Maya finished her feed Carina picked her up to burp her and after that she noticed Maya was very much awake and was definitely not going back to sleep .

She tiredly walked out to the kitchen after throwing a top on, with a very alert Maya in her arms .

"Ma" Maya said as Carina set her down in her new highchair .

"Yes baby , it's Mama" Carina smiled .

"Ma , Ma" Maya shouted banging her hands on the tray of the highchair .

"You are just the cutest aren't you" Carina laughed . Maya smiled up at her innocently as Carina placed some goldfish crackers on Maya's highchair tray before going to make her self coffee and some toast .

Once breakfast was eaten Carina brought Maya to her nursery and laid her on her change table .
She changed Maya's diaper and dressed her in another onesie . It was Sunday and she wanted to have a lazy day .

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