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Carina tried breastfeeding Maya again while she waited for Katherine to come over but to no avail Maya would not latch . She was crying her little lungs off and rubbing her sore ear against the warmth of Carina's chest to try to soothe the pain .

After about twenty minutes of Carina frustratedly trying to get Maya to latch there was a knock on the door . The noise made Maya cry even harder . She picked up the blonde cooing at her as she walked to try calm her down .

"Hi Katherine I'm sorry I look like crap" Carina said opening the door .

"It's no problem sweetie we have all been there" Katherine said smiling .  "And why is this little princess so upset hmm" Katherine said taking a crying Maya out of Carina's arms to give the brunette a break .

Maya just babbled sadly and ducked her head into Katherine's neck .

"God I don't know what to do she hasn't stopped crying all morning , I've used ear drops and Tylenol but nothing is working" Carina said running a hand through her slightly greasy hair .

"Oh the poor baby" Katherine cooed bringing Maya into the living room and sitting her down on her lap .

"I'm a doctor and I can't even fix this" Carina huffed sitting down beside them and bringing a hand to Maya's foot holding it softly between her hand to be some way conntexted to her Bambina .

"It's okay Carina , don't beat yourself up about it , now I know what to do so would you mind getting me some cotton wool , a towel and then going into to the kitchen place a cup of cooking oil into the microwave for a minute and bringing it here" Katherine said .

"Oil?" Carina questioned never having heard that before .

"Yep , I used to do it with both Maya and Mason when they had ear infections and Lane refused to let me take them to the doctors for something so 'minor' so I had to try home remedies" Katherine said .

"Okay one minute" Carina said going off to find all the items Katherine wanted her to get while Katherine rocked Maya softly back and forth in her arms trying to soothe the little blonde .

"Your gonna be all okay soon little bear" Katheine whispered using the nickname she hadn't used on Maya since she was really little . The older woman had to admit she was loving this time with Maya . She never got to baby Maya when she was little because she wasn't allowed to even though she really wanted to .

"Okay one towel some cotton buds and a cup of oil" Carina said walking back into the room laying all the things out on the coffee table .

"Okay little bear , you probably won't like this but it has to be done" Katherine spoke as she moved Maya so that her head was laying in her lap sideways facing Carina

"Can you give me the towel love" Katherine asked Carina . The brunette hummed and handed the towel to the older woman who laid it under a still crying Maya .

"Do you have a pacifier handy" Katherine asked .

"Yep , though she hasn't taken it for me all day , she wouldn't even take my breast , she must be starving" Carina said anxiously handing Katherine the pacifier .

"Don't panic love , she wouldn't be hungry when she is pain like this , she will eat soon though" Katherine said rubbing the tip of the pacifier repeatedly over Maya's pouting lips . After about a minute Maya tentatively wrapped her lips around it and gave a little suckle , this is the part where she usually spat it back out at Carina but Katherine kept a finger pressed against the paci and Maya kept it in her mouth .

"H-how did you do that" Carina asked baffled .

"She actually wants it she just doesn't know it, she just needed a little push" Katherine smiles .

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