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Okay this is just a filler chapter because @readerT678 gave me a great idea to write all Maya's milestones again . Because when she reached Milestones when she was younger Lane dismissed them and they weren't a big deal i was just going to incorporate them into a chapter but I've decided to write a whole chapter dedicated to each time Maya reached a milestone with Carina . Like her first word and first steps and potty training . These will obviously not be in like one day or a timeline just different things she did at different ages . So I'm working on that at the moment to for nowwww it's this chapter hope you enjoy ...
Also read A/N at the end xxx

Today had been hard for Maya . She had left for a 24 hour yesterday and was finished now but she knew if she went home Carina wouldn't be there because she had just started a 24 hour shift .

She hadn't been little since two days ago and she really wanted to drop . Her shift had been hard,they had been on call after call . She hasn't had a chance to be little in the station at all and hadn't even been able to drink a bottle.

She said goodbye to everyone at the station and ultimately decided to go to the hospital to visit Carina . She couldn't stop herself . She missed Carina and just needed to hear her voice before she had to go home.

After parking the car she walked straight to the ob/gyn floor.


"Hi Maya" The little blonde heard a voice coming from behind her.

"Hi Jo , is Carina around" Maya said nervously. She was currently having an internal battle with her little side and her little side was currently winning.

"Yea , she's just gone into her office do you want me to walk with you" Jo asked noticing Maya seemed to have something going on in her head and Carina had told her about Maya's regression.

"Please that would be great" Maya said smiling a little.

Jo held her hand out for the blonde who happily grabbed it and walked with the kind brunette.

Once they got to Carina's office door Jo let go of Maya's hand . "I'll leave you too it Maya" Jo said.

"Thank you Jo, for everything" Maya said trying her hardest to be big because she didn't want to worry Carina.

Maya knocked and heard her favorite voice shout to come in.

"Hi baby girl , oh it's so good to see you" Carina said once she saw Maya . She got up from her desk chair and instantly came round to bring Maya into a hug.

"I'm sorry for coming without telling you I just wanted to see you" Maya said ducking her had to Carina's neck to inhale her scent .

"It's okay Bambina , it's such a nice surprise , how was your shift" Carina said.

"It was good but so long it was just back to back calls" Maya huffed , feeling exhausted.

"Your tired bubba" Carina said seeing Maya's tired eyes .

"Yea a bit" Maya said blushing.

"Are you sure your okay to go home by yourself Maya" Carina said slightly concerned . She knew if Maya had a busy call day she wouldn't have had a chance to slip.

"Yea I'll be fine" Maya said trying her best to pull a smile.

"Okay Bambina well come sit with me for a few minutes" Carina smiled pulling Maya with her so she could sit down on her lap while Carina finished up a report.

Maya cuddled down into Carina and relaxed. They didn't speak as Carina finished her report and softly stroked Maya's tummy with the the other hand.

The hand rubbing her tummy was comforting Maya but is was also making her feel little . The blonde was rubbing her nose up against Carina's breast and she really wanted to have milk but knew she couldn't have it because it would make her drop instantly.

Forever My Bambina Where stories live. Discover now