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Surprised again? I'm on a roll for some reason xxx Enjoy it while it lasts xxx

The next few days had been fine , busy as usual and it was coming towards the weekend . Carina had arranged for them to go to the aquarium on Saturday evening and both big Maya and little Maya were very excited .

Maya had actually never been to an aquarium before which Carina thought was crazy when she told her shyly . Carina was glad she would be the first to experience this with Maya but was mad at herself that she didn't already know this because if she had known it she would have taken Maya ages ago .


On Saturday morning Carina surprisingly woke up first . Maya had gotten home quite late on Friday and had crawled into bed still in her work clothes and whined and whimpered as Carina got out of bed to change her into a diaper and some pjs .

Maya nursed for all of five minutes barely getting any milk in her mouth because she was to tired to even suckle . So Carina had popped her pacifier in her mouth and she had been out like a light .

Now Carina sat up and looked over at the clock realizing it was nine o'clock . She picked up her book and began to read while Maya lay on her tummy beside her.

"Mmm" Maya mumbled as she woke up .

"Mama" Maya said her eyes still closed .

"Hi little bella" Carina said happily .

"Mama too woud shhhh Maya seeping" Maya groaned trying to open her eyes .

"An too bwight Mama tuwn da sun off" she continued .

"Come here Bambina" Carina said beckoning Maya to come to her . Maya was so adorable in the mornings and Carina needed to soak up every second of it .

Maya crawled slowly and plonked herself on Carina's lap burying her head in Carina's neck .

"Morning baby girl" Carina whispered running a hand through Maya's wild , untamable hair .

"Morning Mama" Maya mumbled spitting her pacifier out and latching onto Carina's collarbone instead .

"Do you remember where we are going today princess" Carina asked keeping her voice quiet .

"Da warium" Maya said after a minute , unlatching from Carina and sitting up excitedly no longer worried about the brightness of the sun or the noise level in the room .

"Yes Bambina , we are going to see all the fishes" Carina said rubbing Maya's back .

"Mama , mama I so escited , I neber seen da fishies befowe" Maya said clapping her hands .

"I know Bella and Mama is going to make sure you see all the fishes today" Carina said standing up with Maya in her arms .

"Why don't you go feed Nova sweet girl and then we can change your bum and get ready" Carina said . Maya's favorite job to do in the morning was to feed Nova . It made her feel responsible and like a big girl . Obviously she only did it when she was big enough but she loved it .

"Hewwo Nova , I go see fishies 'atay" Maya said bending down to rub Nova . She then opened the back door to let the dog out to do her business before going to Nova's food container and filling up her bowl while Carina changed her water .

"Now Bella let's go for a change" Carina said picking Maya up and setting her down in her nursery . Maya ran quickly over to her toy box and pulled out her fire truck .

"Maya it's not time for toys right now , it's time for a change" Carina said , Maya was clearly not listening to Carina and Carina huffed . She absolutely loved when Maya tried to test her patience (that was sarcastic) and she knew Maya only did it because she could . When Maya was younger she always had to be good there was absolutely no room for slip ups , to do what normal babies do and ignore their parents . So Carina rarely punished Maya for it unless it was serious .

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