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Okay firstly I'm so sorry for disappearing for three weeks . The lead up to Christmas was just crazy . I work in hospitality so if anyone does as well you will understand when I wasn't in school I was in work and I was just constantly exhausted for three weeks . But I'm now on Christmas break and I have no work so I'm back x

This chapter is longer then usual to make up for my absence and I hope you enjoy xxx

Carina woke first the next morning . She was beyond glad that Maya had managed to sleep through the night. Currently the little blonde was on top of the brunette her head buried in Carina's neck suckling softly on her pacifier.

Carina loved these quiet moments when Maya was resting . She looked so adorable when she was sleeping .

"Mmm" Maya mumbled around her pacifier . She did a cute little stretch before opening her eyes.

"Hi bambina" Carina said brushing Maya's hair out of her face.

"Hi Car" Maya mumbled letting her pacifier fall out of her mouth.

"You feeling big bub" Carina said .

"Yeah, what time is it" Maya said .

"Half 7 bambina" Carina replied , straining her neck to see the clock on the nightstand .

"I have to get up for work" Maya said crawling off of Carina.

"Why don't you take another day Bella , we can spend the day together" Carina said grabbing Maya around the waist softly and bringing her back to her lap.

"No , Carina I have to go in , I've missed so many days I don't want to let the team down" Maya said playing with the ends of Carina's hair.

"Bella you wouldn't be letting anyone down, if you need another day then you should take it" Carina said .

"No , I want to go to work , I have to take tomorrow off for my appointment anyway" Maya said .

"Okay Bella , I'll drop you to work" Carina said understanding Maya's decision.

"Thank you" Maya said sweetly giving Carina a kiss.

"Why don't you get dressed my love and I'll make some breakie" Carina said patting Maya's butt for her to get up.

"Okay" Maya smiled crawling of the bed and heading to the wardrobe to get her uniform .

"Do you need help with your clothes Bella" Carina asked as Maya was only in her baby vest and diaper .

"I think I got it" Maya smiled as she unbuttoned her vest .

Carina smiled and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. She took out the ingredients to make French toast and started cooking .

"Bambina?" Carina called out after a few minutes .

"Yeah" Maya shouted back as she was pulling her hair back into her signature ponytail.

"Do you want milk my love" Carina said .

"Yes please" Maya replied after a moment of thought .

"Do you want to nurse or do you just want a baba" Carina asked.

"Just a baba please" Maya said after a couple minutes , she knew If she nursed she would slip and she had to try to get through today without slipping.

"Okay baby , come down when you are ready" Carina said finally before dishing up the french toast . She placed the plates on the set table before taking a bottle of pumped milk out of the fridge . She placed the bottle in the bottle warmer  and while she was waiting Maya had finished getting ready .

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