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Plz read A/N at the end it's important 🙏🏻

Maya only started feeling big the next morning after Carina had fed her breakfast.

"Hey princess" Carina said as Maya walked out of the living room as Carina was finished cleaning up .

"Hey" she replied walking over and leaning into Carinas side .

"You feeling bigger" Carina asked .

"Mmm" was all she got in response .

"You tired still Bambina" Carina asked softly rubbing a soothing hand down Mayas back.

"No I'm okay, I have an appointment with Diane today right" Maya mumbled .

"Ye baby in about an hour , I'll drop you off on my way to work and Andy and Vic are gonna collect you and bring you back here" Carina said letting Maya know the plan .

"They don't need to babysit me I'll be fine" Maya huffed .

"I just thought the company would be nice for you while I am working" Carina said as Maya hopped up on the counter . Carina continued washing up , grabbing Mayas bottle and pacifier from this morning and cleaning them.

"Ugh I just , I shouldn't need a babysitter , Im an adult I shouldn't need all this stuff" Maya said rubbing at her eyes a sign to Carina that she was trying not to cry.

"Hey Mai look at me , all this stuff" she said gesturing to her bottle and pacifiers "they help you , they make you happy baby , and all your friends and I want , is for you to be happy . Your healing Maya , you need to allow yourself to accept that , to accept that being a baby sometimes and feeling little is healing you" Carina said coming over and rubbing Mayas knee .

Over the last few days she knows Maya is struggling with the thought off what people are going to think and just accepting that she can feel little if she needs it . She wishes Maya could see herself little and see how happy and care free she is .

"I know, it's just I wish I wasn't like this I wish I was normal" Maya said .

"Normal is boring baby" Carina said earning a little giggle from Maya .

"You don't need to be normal baby , and I know it would be easier if you weren't like this but doing it makes life easier for you Bambina" Carina said holding her arms out for Maya and carrying her over to the couch .

"I just wish I didn't need bottles and Pacis and baby stuff" Maya huffed leaning against Carinas chest as they had their morning cuddle .

"I know sweetie , but you like your bottle and your Pacis , they make you feel safe and comfy so what's bad about that" Carina said .

"I don't know , I guess it's not bad" Maya said

"Yes it's not , you like all your little things don't you Bambina" Carina said rubbing up and down Mayas back.

"Ye I guess i do" Maya said smiling a little bit. Rubbing her head into Carinas breast .

After a few minutes of silent cuddling Maya jumped back looking down at Carinas chest.

"Hey Bambina what is it" Carina said slightly concerned .

"Am did I , w-was I am , in the bath last night , omg I'm so sorry Carina" Maya said gesturing to Carinas chest as her breathing got heavier .

"Hey bambina breathe , breathe for Mama" Carina said the 'mama' slipping out but instantly bringing Maya comfort .

"Good Bambina , now listen to Rina, yes last night we were in the bath and you nursed and I let you , you were very little last night so I let you do it , if you are uncomfortable with that or don't like it we will never do it again but b-but if you want to or would like to do it again I would be happy to do that" Carina said once Maya calmed down .

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