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Hi guys , I wanted to get this chapter out like two days ago but everything was so busy this week .

But I wrote it quickly today so I could have it out because I'm working today and the rest of the weekend xxx

So I hope this chapter makes sense and you enjoy it xxxx

She assumed Maya just needed to go the toilet and wasn't able to in the car or was just constipated from the flight but she was proven wrong when they got up to the apartment and Maya puked all over the floor on their way in the door....

"Okay Bambina your okay" Carina said rubbing Maya's back as stepped over the puke and shut the door . Maya was crying harshly in her arms while coughing .

"Mama" she wailed clinging to Carina as the brunette set the the bags down as she carried Maya through to the bedroom .

"I sowwy Mama I so sowwy, I cwean it all up" Maya cried .

"Hey baby no you don't have to worry about that , you are feeling so sick , Mama will clean it up, you have nothing to be sorry about Bambina , that's Mamas job okay" Carina said feeling so sorry for her baby.

"Bu , bu Mama when I sickie I hab to cwean up cause cause good giwls go sickie in da potty I- i 'gusting" Maya cries into Carina's neck . She really didn't feel well but she was so mad at herself for not holding it until she went in the bathroom .

"Hey baby who told you that" Carina said . She knew exactly who told her that . Maya had told her how Lane would still make her run when she was sick . Maya had also told her about the time when she was ten and had woken up feeling nauseous and didn't make it to the bathroom and Lane made her clean it up herself .

" 'Ane tolds me" Maya mumbled .

"Baby listen , you are such a good girl but when you are sick Mama will take care of you and it's Mama's job to clean up not yours and you have nothing to be sorry for and you are in no way disgusting baby you are sick" Carina said laying Maya on the bed and stripping her down to her diaper before stripping herself down to her bra and panties and throwing the dirty clothes in the wash .

"Otay Mama" Maya said cautiously , she didn't really understand but the thought of having Mama help her when she is sick is something she is curious about .

"Mama gonna be sickie again" Maya cried reaching for Carina

They managed to get to the toilet where Maya threw her guts up until she slumped back against Carina .

Carina helped her wash her mouth and brought a blanket into the bathroom for more comfort .

Maya continued to get sick for about forty minutes . She also had a high fever that Carina was concerned about .

"Mama 'ake it s-stop" She cried .

Carina rubbed her back and cradled her against her chest . She felt horrible for Maya, hell she could barely handle Maya crying never mind sick .

"I know baby , I know" Carina said trying her best to reassure the blonde .

"Are you cold Bambina" Carina asked .

Maya was still only in her diaper and laying on the bathroom floor was not comfortable.

"No Mama wan feel your 'kin" Maya said hoping her Mama wouldn't put any clothes on her or herself because she was getting a lot of comfort from the skin on skin contact.

"Okay baby , do you think all the sick is gone now" Carina said , Maya hadn't vomited in about ten minutes which was a lot longer than the space between each time she had thrown up the last forty minutes.

Forever My Bambina حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن