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The next morning Carina woke up to a still fast asleep Maya . She softly unlatched Maya from her neck waiting to see if the blonde would stir but fortunately she just huffed a little before bringing her thumb to her mouth.

Carina walked out to the kitchen and got started on the dishes getting lost in her own world but keeping an ear out in case Maya woke up little .

Instead about a half hour later a sleepy Maya walked out dragging the throw blanket from the end of their bed behind her .

"Good morning Bambina, how are you feeling" Carina said as Maya came over and great fully excepted Carina's side hug .

"Good, but you weren't there when I woke up" Maya said, frowning.

"I know Baby, I'm sorry but I had dishes to do, can you forgive me" Carina said smiling down at the blonde who was tucked against her chest as she dried her hands.

Carina realized Maya was feeling big and clearly was not in her little headspace just from the way she spoke, so she decided that now was a good time to talk to Maya about going shopping.

"But why don't we go back to bed for some cuddles bambina since we have the day off" Carina said hoping the comfort off their bed and some cuddles would help the conversation from ending in upset. It is not that she thought Maya would not want to go shopping or anything, Carina's worry Is more about the things they were going to buy and wanting to know what Maya was comfortable with getting.

They made their way back to the bedroom and settled into the now cool sheets, with Maya coming to sit on Carina's lap as she sat against the headboard.

"So, bambina I just wanted to know if you were up to going shopping today" Carina approached while Maya sat up slowly to acknowledge the question.

"Yeah, I don't mind, we have today off, and we are both working most of next week so today is probably a good time" Maya stated, before twirling a piece of Carinas long brown hair between her fingers. Liking the idea of shopping for her little self.

"okay Bambina well I messaged Diane and she gave me a name of shop that will probably have everything we need" Carina said leaving out the part where Diane also gave her the name and number of a woman who could make custom furniture if Carina ever needed and obviously the thought excited Carina, but she did not want to overwhelm the blonde.

"okay" was all Maya replied just staring at Carina.

"Bambina what do you think little Maya might want or is there anything you want" Carina said rubbing Mayas back.

"I I don't know can't you, I mean can you decide cause-" Maya started a little panic rising in her voice. The thought of having to make those decisions made her panic. Could Carina not decide what she needed?

"hey bambina listen to me, of course I can make those decisions, like you need pacifiers, some sippy cups and lots of other things for me to worry about but what I was asking was if there is anything you want to have like some toys or some stuffed animals" Carina said, pushing Mayas untamable hair out of her face.

"But I wasn't allowed toys I don't even know what- C-Carina-" Maya whimpered starting to get upset. Even though she was feeling big she couldn't understand why Carina would want to buy her toys when she hadnt even done anything to deserve them.

"Shh Babygirl listen to me, you are 100 percent allowed toys I will be getting you toys because you are allowed to play baby, that is why we are doing this, to give you your childhood back that 'that' man took away from you. Do you like the sound of having some toys baby, maybe some cars or some dolls, whatever you want. We can get some ducks for the bath and some teddy bears for bed" Carina said, seeing the little smile on the blonde's face.

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