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Hi , a nice long chapter for you all for chapter 20 xxx


"Yes my milk finally came in" Carina said over the phone to Vic .

She was breast feeding Maya for the third time as they got into their new feeding routine .

"Carina that's amazing , how's it going" Vic replied happily from the other end of the phone , she was currently bottle feeding Andy who was feeling extremely little. Vic couldn't help but wonder if Andy would ever be interested in nursing .

"It's going really well , I was worried she wouldn't like the taste or something but all morning she has been asking every ten minutes for my 'boobie milk' and when the next time she can have it is" Carina laughed .

"Boobie milk" Vic laughed .

"Yeah I've got to teach her a new way to ask for it" Carina laughed .

"Well I'm glad it's going so well" Vic said .

"Yeah same I'm so happy" Carina smiled looking down at Maya who was drinking away happily .

"So what are your plans tomorrow, me and Andy are going to a hotel for an adult date" Vic asked .

"That sounds exciting , I have a surgery so Maya is going to go to daycare in the hospital while I do that" Carina said .

"Oh how will that go" Vic said .

"I'm not sure yet, we will have to see" Carina said .

"You will have to let me know" Vic said cooing at Andy as she finished suckling happily on her bottle .

"I have to go burp Andy, I'll talk later" Vic said .

"No problem, talk to you later" Carina said .

Carina put her phone down and helped Maya unlatch .

"Mama" Maya whimpered .

"I know bambina , you can have milky later" Carina smiled .

"Nu, Mama gonna weave me 'morrow" Maya cried .

"What do you mean Bambina" Carina asked sitting Maya up in her lap and rubbing her back softly .

"Mama said when we at da hopital when I sickie , that I go to 'aycare soon an now hab ta go 'morrow and Mama gonna weave me dere" Maya cried , hiccuping in between sobs .

This explained to Carina why Maya had been so clingy, her baby was so clever and clearly listened on all the conversations Carina had .

"Is this why you haven't wanted to be away from Mama" Carina asked .

"Ye Mama, I not know when you gonna weave me but is 'morrow" Maya cried .

"Baby listen , Mama is not leaving you anywhere ,  you are going to love day care baby, you can play with some new friends and before your nap Mama will come down to feed you and then when you wake up Mama will be back to bring you home" Carina said .

"Mama , 'oming back ta cowwect Maya an we go 'ome" Maya said between cries.

"Yes baby, Mama will always be back to collect you baby, she will always come back for you" Carina said , soothing Maya .

"Otay Mama , I jus no wike being wifout my Mama" Maya said her cries dying out as she cuddled up to Carina's bare chest .

"I know baby, and I don't like being without you either ,but I have an important job to do tomorrow" Carina said .

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