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Carina was the first to wake the next morning , the sun shining just a little bit too brightly for her liking . She glances down at the sleeping blonde in her arms as she remembers last night with a smile .

Taking a glance over at the clock Carina startles slightly realizing it's already past nine o'clock . She starts her shift at the hospital at 10.30 which she will go to after dropping Maya off for her appointment with Diane.

Thinking it's best to wake Maya now , Carina leans down and brushes Mayas wild blonde hair out of her face before placing a small kiss on her forehead .

"Nooo" Maya whines out bringing both hands to her eyes and rubbing them . Carina wonders for a moment if Maya is still feeling little .

"Morning Bambina" She says in a slight sing sing voice , the pout she receives in turn making her laugh .

"We have to get up Bella I have work and you have an appointment with Diane" At the words , something changes in Maya the wideness in her eyes dies down and she just smiles at Carina. "Oh ya I forgot about that" she whispers a blush forming on her face.

Carina decides not to ask her about last night until they were dressed and ready for the day .

They go about their morning routines in perfect sync before both entering the kitchen. Carina instantly starts taking out ingredients to make French toast as Maya takes a seat at the table.

"How are you feeling Bambina , after last night" Carina says finally approaching the elephant in the room .

Carina hears Maya start to sniffle so she turns the cooker back off and goes over to her at the table , kneeling down in front of her.

"Maya?" The brunette asks placing her hands on the blondes knee .

"I'm so sorry Carina i am sorry you had to deal with me like that or see me like that" maya cries out , avoiding eye contact with Carina.

"No Bambina, you have nothing to be sorry for, nothing at all baby" She replies , softly grabbing Mayas cheeks to make her look at her .

"I know what happened bambina and I don't think it is a bad thing at all or that you are a burden , has it happened before" Carina asked .

"No not like that , I have felt like that before but have always been able to pull myself back before it goes to far" Maya sniffles .

"Felt like what baby" carina asks even though she knows what Maya means she just wants to hear her say it .

"I don't know like small I guess like I feel..." Maya says before going silent clearly trying to figure out the right word for it.

"Younger?" Carina adds with a slight smile.

"Yeah I guess" Maya says , wiping a tear from her eye.

"And how did it feel bambina when you felt like that" Carina asked wanting to gage how Maya felt about all this herself .

"It was scary at first , like always but then you were there and you made me feel safe and I relaxed and just let myself feel little and I-I liked it" Maya said getting all shy , a red blush rising to her cheeks .

Carina smiled up at her "I'm glad you felt safe Bambina , if this helps you feel safe then I'm happy to help you"

"You don't think I'm disgusting ,that I'm sick" Maya questions , ready for Carina to leave her and slightly confused as to why she hadn't already .

"No bambina, there is nothing wrong with you and this is not disgusting, baby listen to me, this is new and different yes but if it makes you feel happy and safe then I don't see anything wrong with it and neither will anyone else ok" Carina said trying to reassure Maya.

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