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Not sure how I feel about this I wrote it really fast , though it's my longest chapter(I got a bit carried away) basically it's loads of fluff with a side of fluff and lots and lots of little Maya

Once back at the apartment Carina carried a very sleepy, milk drunk Maya up to bed for a nap. Pulling of her shoes and leggings before checking to make sure she was dry and clean. She tucked her under the covers and clipped her pacifier to her dog teddy she was still to name, according to Little Maya it was an especially important decision because the teddy would be called that for the rest of his life. Maya eagerly latched onto the pacifier in her sleep as Carina placed a kiss on her head and joined the other two women in the living room.

"She sleeping?" Andy asked looking around the living room at all the new toys and new additions to the Deluca-Bishop apartment.

"Yup out like a light" Carina said moving around the living room picking up toy blocks and fire engines.
"The poor baby, I'd say she was wrecked after all the commotion today" Vic added, all three women now moving to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I still can't believe Beckett and don't worry Carina on Monday I will sort this out, we have the evidence from the cameras, so it won't take much to have him transferred" Andy said taking a seat at the island.

"Yeah, to be honest I'm raging, and I know what Maya did but she has apologized and is doing so much better now so that was just not called for" Vic said defending Maya.

"I'm just glad she has you guys, especially as we try to figure out a routine for little Maya" Carina says taking out a jug of ice-cold water as the weather was starting to get hot as summer approached.

"Yeah, well she'll get there and until she has a routine, we are there at work to look out for her" Andy replied.

"What do you guys want in your sandwiches for the picnic" Carina asked after a while as she got up to start packing for the park.

The women responded with their orders, and they continued talking as Carina made the food and packed it into a cooler. A few minutes later Carina heard her phone ring, it was Bailey from the hospital wondering why Carina hadn't returned. She asked the women to listen out for Maya as she explained what happened and what was going on too Bailey, who fortunately was really nice and accepting about, even asking when she could meet little Maya.

Suddenly the apartment filled with loud cries, a pleading look by Carina was sent in the women's direction as she tried to wrap up her phone call.

"We have got her, don't worry" Andy whispered as Carina mouthed a thank you.

Vic and Andy made their way into the bedroom where Maya was sitting up crying and rubbing her eyes.

"Mama" She cried upon hearing the door open.

"Hi Mija, its Tia Andy and Aunty Vic, you're okay sweetie" Andy said approaching Maya.

Maya scooted further back in the bed and hugged her dog to her chest "Mama gone" she cried.

"No honey she's just on the phone" Vic responded sitting down on the end of the bed, getting the hint that Maya didn't want to be touched right now.

Maya let out a whimper at that, she really wanted her Mama right now.

"what's your doggies name sweetie" Andy asked trying to distract Maya.

"I not know he hasta twell me" Maya said holding her dog up to her ear.

The older women smiled at each other as they watched Maya listen to her dog.

"He say hims name is Miwo" she said shyly.

Forever My Bambina जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें