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A/N : Okay so just in this story Sullivan is Captain because I didn't want Maya or Andy to be because it would just be complicated so it was just easy to make it someone else it's not really important but it's just mentioned .

Anyways enjoy a bit of little Maya and very little Andy....


Going back to work on Monday was easier said then done . Carina knew Maya was still little just by the fact that the brunette had woken up before her .

So Carina decided to get herself ready first just in case she had a hard time with the little blonde .

After going about her morning routine and packing both her and Maya's bags for the day she went back to the bedroom to wake up the sleeping beauty .

"Hi my princess it's time to open those beautiful eyes" Carina whispered rubbing a soothing hand up and down Maya's back.

"Mmmm gu way" Maya groaned rolling away from Carina's touch .

"Come on Bambina , it's time to wake up" Carina said . Maya was not fussy in the mornings, usually she was the first awake bouncing around the house at an ungodly hour but on the rare occasion she would wake up grumpy and fussy and it was clear today was one of those days .

"Nuuu go wayyyyy Mama" Maya said pulling the duvet over her head sporting a grumpy pout on her lips as she faced Carina.

"Baby you have work , it's time to get up" Carina said softly leaning in to place a little kiss on Maya's lips .

"I nu wanna gu , me wan seepies" Maya mumbled closing her eyes again .

Carina realized at this point that sweet talking Maya out of bed was not going to work and Carina unfortunately was not strong enough to give out to the little one and make her get out of bed so the only other way she could get her out was to bribe her .

"Baby if you don't wake up now we won't be able to have cuddles or milkies" Carina said dramatically .

"No cuddwles an' nu boobie" Maya frowned , contemplating her decision to be grumpy .

"Yeah baby , cause we won't have any time to have cuddles and milkies" Carina said .

"Has to ge' up Mama , uppie pease" Maya said sitting up suddenly and holding her hands out for Carina .

"Yes Ma'am" Carina laughed picking Maya up and walking to the nursery .

"Mama ma bum stiwll owie" Maya whined as I took of her diaper .

"I know Bella , Mama is gonna put some cream on your rash okay? It will be all better soon" Carina said rubbing Maya's thigh softly.

Carina went about dressing Maya . She pulled up a pair of Maya's Calvin Klein briefs , her preferred type of underwear for work because they fitted just right and didn't ride up her butt . She then started to put on Maya's uniform while the little blonde fussed about on the change table .

She left Maya's pants off for the moment and let Maya down to crawl around her nursery while she cleaned up the change table .

They had to leave soon so she had to nurse her quickly . Maya was not too impressed by this, wanting to take her time to drink her milk . She expressed these complaints to Carina in the form of a tantrum .

"I wan boobie Mama , and you take of me, das mean , you a meanie , wan ma milkies" Maya cried, practically throwing herself on the floor after Carina put her pants and shoes on .

"I no wan pants an shoes I wan milkies, Mama" Maya cried .

Carina for the most part let Maya cry it out until she started whimpering for Carina to pick her up .

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