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Maya woke first the next morning , she still felt little. She lazily rubbed her eyes but started to tear up when she felt wet . She put her hand down on the bed but it wasn't wet? Confused she started crying . She found her pacifier and popped it in her mouth , tears flowing down her eyes .

Carina heard the slight commotion in the bed and woke up ,she turned to see Maya with teary eyes suckling ferociously on her pacifier.

"Hey Bambina what's wrong" Carina asked sitting up in bed .

"Maya wet Rina" Maya cried waiting to get in trouble and scolded .

"Oh Bambina , that's ok look, Rina put a pull up on her Bambina last night so none of the wet got on the bed so it's all ok" Carina said , not liking Maya so upset.

"Non get on da bed?" Maya questioned in confusion as she looked down under the covers.

"No Bambina so it's all good" Carina smiled .

"Otay but maya uncomfy" Maya said wiggling around .

"Come on then bubs let's get you changed" Carina said standing up and picking Maya up .She changed Maya out of her pull up and made her use the potty before bringing her back to bed since it was only seven.

"Rina I hab milky" Maya asked a few minutes later, nervously wringing her hands . It took her some courage to ask because she wasn't feeling as little as she did last night but she really loved having a bottle before bed so therefore didn't know if she was allowed one .

"Of course you can Maya , did you like your baba last night" Carina asked moving Maya off her lap .

"Lots Rina t was yummy" Maya smiled glad she was going to be allowed a baba.

"That's good Bambina I'm glad , I'll be back in a minute I'm going to go get it" Carina said laying a soft kiss on Mayas head as she found her dog stuffy with her pacifier attached and snuggled back into bed to wait for Carina .

Carina walked out to the kitchen smiling as she filled a six ounce bottle and heated it up making sure it wasn't too hot .

When she got back Maya sat up in the bed
"Baba" Maya clapped . Carina laughed as she situated Maya on her lap .

"Do you want to do it yourself Maya" Carina asked stroking Mayas cheek .

Maya shook her head firmly and pushed the bottle into Carinas hand .

"Okay baby" Carina said softly slipping the nipple of the bottle into Mayas mouth .

Maya sighed contently as Carina stroked her tummy while she drank . Maya felt really relaxed while Carina couldn't help but want to start every morning like this .

After fifteen minutes Maya was finished drinking and pushed the bottle away and sat up in Carinas lap . Carina leaned over and placed the mostly empty bottle on the locker . Maya started whining a little before rubbing her chest .

'There must be wind stuck in her chest' Carina thought . She reached over and grabbed the cloth she had brought in with the bottle and placed it over her shoulder . She had a feeling Maya wouldn't like this .

"Hey baby come to Rina" Carina said standing up and picking Maya up .

"Ches huwt Rina" Maya complained as Carina held Maya to her front laying her head on her shoulder .

"I know baby Rina's gonna help" Carina said as she started to pat and rub Mayas back .

It took about five minutes of Carina bouncing Maya around the room and little whines from Maya before she finally let out a little burp spitting up a little bit of Milk with it before she started crying .

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