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A little bit of a longer chapter
Enjoy x

Maya woke up the next morning feeling big . She knew she had woken Carina up to nurse in the middle of the night so she decided to let her sleep in for a while .

Maya went on a quick run and when she came back she got straight in the shower .

Carina woke up to the sound of the shower and pulled herself out of bed . She felt terrible . Her stomach was really crampy and because it was the start of her period it was really heavy .

She still walked into the bathroom and saw Maya in the shower . She opened the glass door and peered in at the blonde with a smile .

"Morning Bella" Carina said . Maya jumped slightly before turning around and smiling at the brunette .

"Morning babe, you wanna join" Maya said .

"No I'm good , I'm on my period and I feel like shit" Carina laughed .

"Oh babe I'm sorry, I know how bad your periods can get" Maya said turning the shower off and stepping out .

"It's okay bella, I'll take some pain relief and I'll be fine" Carina said.

"No , hey don't dismiss it , let me take care of you for once" Maya said smiling shyly .

"I would love that Bambina , but we both have work" Carina said wrapping her hands around Maya's waist once she had wrapped herself in a towel .

"I don't have work for an hour and your not in till ten, please" Maya pouted, she wanted to do something nice for Carina because the brunette was always taking care of her .

"Okay bella" Carina laughed and leaned down to peck Maya's pouty lips .

Suddenly a cramp over took Carina's body and she winced and wrapped a hand around her stomach .

"Okay back in bed with you I'll be there in a second" Maya said guiding Carina to bed .

Completely forgoing getting dressed Maya made her way down to the kitchen in her towel and made Carina her morning coffee . By this stage she had mastered it after multiple lessons from Carina and a lot of spilled coffees and a few minor burns from hot water .

She knew Carina wouldn't want to eat anything just yet so instead she got her reusable heating pad and some ibuprofen.

Balancing everything in her hands she made her way back to the bedroom .

"Here babe, take this" Maya said handing Carina the pill . The brunette mumbled a thank you before reaching for her glass of water on the nightstand and taking the medication .

She laughed at Maya trying to set down her coffee and her heat pad while trying to keep her towel up .

"Bella your going to spill the coffee , just let your towel fall it's nothing I haven't seen before" She giggled . Maya laughed as well letting her towel fall and blushing as Carina's eyes wandered down her body .

"I'm going to put some clothes on" She whispered .

"Noooo come naked cuddle with me" Carina pouted sitting up and stripping off her top and shorts leaving her panties on .

"Okay" Maya smiled . She had to admit she loved naked cuddles .

The blonde climbed into bed with the brunette and let her cuddle up on her chest .

"Her babe let me put this on for you, do you want it on your stomach" Maya asked picking up the discarded heating pad .

"Yes please Bambina" Carina said turning slightly so Maya had access to her stomach .

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