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So so sorry , I have my Christmas concert in school this week and rehearsals were mentalll and then wattpad logged me out and I panicked for ages had to email them and it was a whole thing... so this chapter isn't my best but it's here anyway so that's the main thing .

Make sure to read the A/N at the end please xx


"Did you have enough Bella" Carina said as Maya unlatched from her nipple only ten minutes into her morning feed. Usually her morning feed was her longest and she would nurse for up to a half an hour .

"Yeah Mama , had nuff, I just so escited" The little one squealed .

"Okay Bella , well if you want some more milk later on just let me know baby girl , now we need to get ready" Carina said picking Maya up and laying her head over her shoulder . She walked to the kitchen to get a clean burp cloth before laying it under Maya's head .

"Nuu Mama , no need burpies" Maya whined trying to get out of Carina's arms .

"Baby , it will only take two seconds , you don't want to have a sore tummy do you?" Carina said rocking Maya back and forth and patting her bum to calm her.

"I no wike it Mama" Maya groaned before hiccuping.

"Baby Mama has to burp you after your milk because if I don't your going to have a sore chest and then your going to be sick" Carina said .When she started feeding Maya , Bailey has specifically told her that because Maya did not have a newborns body it was more likely she would take in more air when she was nursing and that burping her was essential so of course Carina took that very seriously .

"Otay Mama" Maya whined laying her head back down on Carina's shoulder . Carina sang to Maya softly while she rubbed and patted her back softly . Maya eventually let out a little burp before whining and tucking her head into Carina's chest .

"Good girl Maya , let's go get ready bubba" Carina said wiping Maya's mouth before throwing the burp cloth on the counter .

Carina brought Maya into her nursery and changed her diaper before dressing her in a Christmas jumper and some comfy black leggings. She attached her pacifier to her jumper before picking her up she let Maya play with Nova while she got herself dressed.

They had to go out to get a few things , she had already messaged Ben , who had offered to get the girls Christmas tree this year , he was going to set it up while they were out so that when her and Maya got back it would be up and they could decorate.

They were going to go to the mall so they could get some new decorations and Maya was so excited . She sang Christmas songs the whole way to the shop and practically begged Carina not to put her in her stroller so she could walk .

"Mama mama wook , a weindeer" Maya said the minute they walked into the shop . There was a giant reindeer displayed inside the door .

"That's right bambina , your so clever" Carina said , grabbing a shopping cart from beside the reindeer .

"We hab him Mama" Maya said pouting her lip and giving Carina her 'puppy dog eyes' .

"Bubba , we wouldn't be able to fit him in the car to take him home , and I don't think he is for sale" Carina giggled .

"Otay maybe we fin' a smaller weindeer" Maya said .

"Exactly Bambina , we will get one" Carina replied "now hold onto the cart Bella and don't run off on Mama because it's a big store" Carina said as Maya nodded and held onto it .

They ended up getting new decorations for their tree as well as a couple other things and Maya got her reindeer.

The Bambina was very tired as Carina loaded up the car with all the stuff .

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