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The roll is still going some how .
Enjoy this chapter that is literally just fluff and very little Maya....

Eventually both Carina and Gabriella went to bed . Carina checked on Maya before setting up the couch bed and going to sleep.

She woke up at half past midnight to Maya whining in her crib . Carina stood up tiredly and lifted Maya out walking back over to the couch bed and laying down . She stripped off her sleep shirt and let Maya latch onto her breast .

Carina fell asleep while Maya was nursing but Maya had trouble falling asleep again.

"Mama" she whispered getting no answer in response .

Instead Maya decided to hop out of bed . She quietly tip toed out of her nursery followed curiously by Nova.

"Nova shh" Maya said turning around and pointing at Nova. The dog seemed to get the message and started walking slowly behind the little blonde .

Maya crept up to her and Carina's bedroom pushing the door open slowly. She smiled when she saw her aunty Gabri sleeping soundly. A mischievous smirk took over her face . She never woke her Mama up for fun because her Mama did not like it and it made her grumpy so she decided she would wake Gabri up to play with her instead.

She pulled herself up on the bed and crawled over to where Gabri was laying .

"Gabwi" Maya said jumping on top of the woman.

"Cazzo , Maya" Gabri said jolting awake grabbing onto the little blonde on top of her so she didn't fall of the bed .

"Hewwo" Maya said smiling innocently.

Gabriella looked over at the clock and realized it was just gone one am .

"Hello Bella , what are you doing up , where's your Mama" Gabriella said laughing.

"Mama seeping" Maya giggled holding her finger up to her lips in a 'shhh' gesture.

"So why are you up then Bambina , you should be sleeping as well" Gabriella said .

"But I no seepy, I wan pway , will you pway wif me" Maya said batting her eyelashes at her aunty.

"It's a bit late to be playing Bella" Gabriella laughed .

"Bu but, I wan pway" Maya said tilting her head and pouting. How could anyone deny that adorable pout? Gabriella thought while hauling herself out of bed .

She brought Maya down to the living room and Maya crawled quickly over to her box of toys .

"Wanna pway firwtwucks" Maya said excitedly pulling her trucks out .

Gabriella laughed and sat down next to me he little blonde "Can you show me how to play little Bella" Gabriella said .

Maya nodded excitedly and showed Gabriella how to play . She wasn't as good at playing as her Mama was but she was enjoying herself none the less .

"What the hell is going on in here" Carina said as she walked into the living room pulling her shirt over her head and switching the light on .

"Uh oh we in twouble" Maya said.

"Well?" Carina said standing with her hands on her hips .

"Mama , Gabwi woke me up and she waned to pway, an I tolds her dat it was too wate Mama" Maya said innocently lying.

Gabriella burst out laughing at the littles blondes lie . Carina knew exactly what happened here but she decided to go along with Maya's bit.

"Really baby , we'll that's not good, I think Gabriella will need a time out" Carina said winking at her Italian friend .

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