Chapter 99

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The bubbles that were exhaled from the island rose up and flew over the treetops, which had moved slightly. For Yukiji, this island was still something special, even if it hadn't ended beautifully.

But it had given her memories of her childhood. She had bought Nova a necklace which she had worn around her neck. Yukiji had also met Law and Bepo here.

But she couldn't forget the bad sides of this island. The human trafficking, the sky people, the slaves and, above all, Nova's injury.

Yukiji remembered when Nova had changed her clothes. She had been able to see the scar that had adorned Nova's back ever since, which was only slightly visible on her chest as well. Sometimes Yukiji was still plagued by feelings of guilt. She also thought of Bear, who had broken up the crew. But without him, some would have died too. It was unclear to her why Bear had sent everyone to other islands.

Was he against the government and the navy? Was he on the side of the pirates or was he just following justice? And what she had always wondered was why he carried a Bible. Bear hadn't killed anyone on Thriller Bark either.

Although, Zoro almost died. He had never spoken about that incident again. Yukiji remembered exactly how he stood in the rubble, covered in blood. She also remembered what he had done to her.

Zoro had knocked her unconscious so that nothing would happen to her. He had shown her real feelings for the first time. Feelings that he would never reveal to anyone. Not even to her really.

On Mihawk's island, there were only small and quiet moments with him. Otherwise, training came first. But it had been enough for Yukiji. She didn't need a lot of attention.

It was enough for her to know about the feelings. That Zoro was close to her. No big words were necessary for her either. Gestures were more important to her in some respects.

The same applied to Nova. Yukiji knew that all those blows weren't a bad thing. Nova was expressing her concern. Well, sometimes the beatings were because of her stupidity or when she got on Nova's nerves. But Nova would never insult her or make her look bad. 

Yukiji breathed in and out quietly. Her head lay back to better organize her thoughts. Her calm mind reappeared, which also seemed to calm Zoro down.

Because he gradually became a little more restless. Not because Yukiji was absent-minded. Rather because he was curious about the crew. He could feel her aura as a princess, which could only rarely be seen, deep in his heart. This was another side of her that he loved. I wonder if Kuina would have liked her?

At the same time, the couple stopped when they saw the thousend Sunny. It had been two years since they had been allowed to see and marvel at this ship. The ship that Franky had built for them and that Silver had cared for and looked after until they had returned.

Emotions came up in both of them, which they swallowed. "Finally..." breathed Zoro, who had inhaled deeply. Yukiji didn't even have to say anything. He was right with that one word. They were finally here.

Just as Yukiji was about to take a step towards the ship, a crying scream sounded, coming towards them at breakneck speed.

"Wuuueeehhhh!!!! Yukiji-himeeeee!!!"

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now