Chapter 3

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A short time later, the door to the Vinsmoke's room was opened and Yukiji had already stood up and opened her mouth. "It's not what it looks like!" the girl said to Reiju, who wanted to protect her best friend, who was still eating.

The pink-haired girl looked at Yukiji and Nova. "I didn't see anything." spoke her eldest sister and firstborn. "We don't have much time. Come on." she added and nodded her head out the door.

Without really knowing what was going on, Yukiji and Nova ran after the young woman. "What's going on? Are we being attacked?" Yukiji asked immediately.

"No, and now be quiet." Reiju ordered quietly and ran a little faster. "Sanji is already waiting." Sanji was waiting? Why? What exactly was going on here?

Running through a back door, Yukiji looked at her brother who was standing there with a backpack. As far as she could see, he looked very impatient.

"Listen to me carefully now." Reiju began to say and crouched down to her siblings. "Mother has never been able to stand up to our father. You two, just like me, are different from the other siblings. That's why I can no longer stand by and watch father harm you even more."

"What do you mean?" asked Sanji. "That you three should get out of here. Nova is a very good friend of yours and no longer has parents. Father will try to squeeze her out as soon as he finds out you've gone."

"But..Reiju...", Yukiji mumbled and was smiled at by her. "Take care of each other. Be strong and take care of other people who don't have much." , the pink-haired girl asked and hugged her siblings.

"And Nova." "Yes?" asked the black-haired girl and was glad that she was allowed to leave here too. "Thank you for always helping Yukiji and being a friend to her."

Light tears flowed from her bright eyes and she could only manage a slight nod. Yukiji had always been kind to her, had protected her when her father had gotten angry.

"Go to the jetty. A captain of a fleet is waiting for you there. He will take you away from here. Away from North-Blue." Reiju explained. "I'll stop our family from following you. I haven't seen you, nor do I know where you are."

The three friends nodded in understanding and Reiju sent them off. Their short legs carried them to the place in question and they didn't even look back. Reiju sacrificed everything for them. And for that, everyone will be eternally grateful to her.

"There it is up ahead!" shouted Sanji and began to grin. Maybe it was possible for him to become what he wanted to be on this ship.

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