Chapter 52

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Already somewhat rested and tired, Yukiji sat on the floor to eat something. After Chopper and Zoro had freed her, she landed on Zoro's back, who had been carrying her. Yukiji could only vaguely remember Zoro saying something to her. "Get some rest, you've earned it." she had heard faintly before she had fallen asleep from exhaustion.

She had overheard the argument between Zoro and Sanji this morning when it was apparently about this very event. Sanji didn't want Zoro to lay a hand on her and Zoro defended himself by saying that he wanted to help Yukiji.

In order not to have to listen to the argument, Yukiji talked to Robin and found out what had happened. In a nutshell, the Straw Hat Gang had had a fight with the CP9, which had accidentally triggered the Buster Call and the navy had turned up. Yukiji now realized why there had suddenly been more.

A loud bang sounded in the house that the Straw Hat Gang were allowed to use. Yukiji had heard from Robin that they were back in Water 7 on Shipyard Island.

"Grandpa!?" yelled Luffy questioningly as an older man from the navy stood there. What had Luffy said? Grandpa?!

From then on, Yukiji stopped listening anyway, as she saw something important behind the admiral. "Novaaaa!!!" shouted the young woman, who had jumped up to her and put her arms around her. With a grin on her face, Yukiji looked at her best friend, who wasn't really in a good mood.

"Huh...?" came from Yukiji's lips and was immediately taken into Nova's deficiencies. "Ah!! Ouch!! Nova!" was all that could be heard as Yukiji kept making agonizing noises and was half beaten by Nova like Admiral Garp had done to Luffy.

"Nhhg..." Yukiji whined in agony as she dangled halfway in the air as Nova held her top tightly like a while ago and shook her.

"How stupid are you!?" yelled Nova at her best friend. "You dare to send me a nofall and you're messing with the whole government!" she continued.

"Do you realize who you're messing with? Think about it before you storm off!" Yukiji just let Nova shout. She wouldn't do anything else anyway. Besides, Yukiji wasn't going to mess with Nova, who had obviously received a promotion.

Yukiji had clearly seen this on her name tag. Her white coat was also different from the last time they had met. So Nova had a fleet of her own. "Are you even listening to me?!" Nova asked the younger girl when she saw the absent look on her face.

"Mhm...yes...", Yukiji grumbled and was shaken again. "I didn't quite hear you!" "Yaaaay...!", came from Yukiji a little more clearly now and was finally let go and almost landed on the ground if Zoro hadn't caught her.

"You stubborn...", Nova began and pulled herself together not to call Yukiji princess. Sometimes she really wondered if she hadn't been adopted by the Vinsmoke.

Her behavior had been completely impossible since she joined the crew. It was hard to believe that Yukiji actually had a very good demeanor.

"She...scares me...", Chopper almost cried. "...Yes...", Usopp swallowed, who had also come back. Only Sanji knew better here. Yukiji was important to Nova, that was the only reason why she yelled at Yukiji. And as he had noticed, Nova wanted to give her something back that she couldn't do back then as a servant.

"Nova...?" came quietly from Yukiji, who had lowered her gaze. Satisfied that she had realized it, Nova smiled now. "Yes, I hear you?"

"Did..." the pink-haired girl began to say and bit her lip briefly. "You took something tasty with you?" she asked and immediately felt another blow to her head, as she obviously hadn't realized it.

" Ouuuuch! Nova!!!"

"Don't always think about food, you idiot!

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें