Chapter 1

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My first One Piece starts with this Zoro FF and with this I dare to watch an anime which I haven't seen for a long time, i.e. haven't watched since I know it from RTL 2 (German TV channel).

However, for some reason I had an idea and had to collect some information from a few friends and the internet to get a "complete" story. This means that there might be spoilers.

I would also like to tell you that there is another OC besides mine and that it is a collaboration with Nova_Adysson (Instagram).

Likewise, some things from the anime will be left out, changed and not appear so that it is suitable for both OCs. This means that the islands and some scenes are completely different and made up.

In addition, a 2nd part has already been planned and written for October 2023. So stay tuned.


Wealth, power and fame.

The man who fought for all this

was Gold Roger, the king of the pirates.

When he was executed his last words were: "You want my treasure? You can have it! Go and find it! Somewhere I have hidden the greatest treasure!"

This treasure is the One Piece and lies somewhere on the Grand-Line. This was the dawn of the great pirate age.

So said all the generations that have been searching for the One Piece ever since. A treasure that people didn't even know what it was. A treasure that you didn't even know where exactly to look for on the Grand-Line.

A story that had happened many years ago and the number of pirates had increased more and more. Something that many villages and large sites had experienced.

The One Piece was known all over the world. East-Blue, West-Blue, South-Blue and North-Blue. Every pirate from these points of the compass knew the area of the seas. Maybe not every little spot, but they knew what they needed to know.

Many pirates also knew where to sail their ships to get to the Grand-Line. A place where many pirate ships boarded and never returned.

There were sea monsters everywhere, wreaking havoc. Attacking ships, even if there were no pirate ships. But they were not the only problem for the pirates. No, there was also another enemy that had been known among them.

The navy.

Soldiers who hunted, imprisoned and even executed the pirates. People who wanted to protect the weak from these pirates. Soldiers who ensured order and security.

The wanted letters distributed by the marina were a feast for many bounty hunters. The so-called pirate hunters used them to search for enough berries. So the hunt made itself felt for such people.

And after all these years on an island in East-Blue, there was a young boy who had a goal. His goal was to sail to the Grand-Line with his own crew to find Gold Roger's treasure and become the king of pirates.

A little boy who soon ate a devil's fruit and soon became famous with his straw hat. The boy who always had his goal in mind was none other than Monkey D. Luffy.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt