Chapter 11

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It was a normal day like any other in which Yukiji had spent with Nova. Because Nova had to prepare some things for dinner and Yukiji didn't want her to do everything on her own, she had helped her.

Nova had told her several times that she shouldn't do it. Her father Jajji didn't like it at all when his children took on servants' work. He had said it often enough to Sanji.

However, Yukiji hadn't always cared. Whenever no one was looking, she always took over a servant's work. She also always gave Nova some of her food, knowing how little her best friend got.

"Yukiji!" Jajji shouted loudly as he opened the kitchen door. At that moment, the girl flinched and dropped everything she was holding.

"It's not what it looks like!" the girl spoke immediately, feeling the anger rising in her. "I talked Nova into it. She has nothing to do with it." Yukiji immediately defended her black-haired friend, who didn't dare to say anything now.

"Nova will get a few days off." Jajji spoke up and looked at the girl. "You can go, your work will go to the other servants."

Nova didn't move at first before she recognized Yukiji's nod and took slow steps out of the room. She didn't know what was waiting for Yukiji now. She wouldn't know what would happen either. There were often days when Nova was given the day off. She didn't know why. But it had to have something to do with this family.

A loud bang sounded as the large hand reached Yukiji's cheek and it fell to the floor with the force. There was also a clatter as the knives and forks that had been prepared were thrown onto the floor. A noise that Sanji heard in the next room and prompted him to run into the kitchen.

"How dare you help a servant!? How dare you behave like Sanji with his cooking!?" her father yelled. "I..." Yukiji began to say quietly. "Shut up!"

Yukiji winced and felt a few tears welling up in her eyes. A reason for Sanji to run to her. "Father please, she's still young. Don't treat her like us." the blond-haired man begged and received a cold look from the man.

"She has to learn, just like you, Sanji. I'm not just trying so hard to make you stronger!" Jajji said, looking down at his children. "You know exactly what's waiting for you now."

Yukiji swallowed and nodded slightly. She knew that she would now be punished again. She would probably not receive any punishments now. His slap was probably enough. "Father, Yukiji she..." Sanji began to defend his sister.

"Don't tell me she's too small for this! She'll get the same punishment as you once did! Three days in the cellar!" he ordered, which is why Yukiji knew exactly why Nova always got time off.

Sometimes Nova got time off because Yukiji had to train. Under no circumstances should she see what kind of weapons her father wanted to create. A family of assassins that had been known even in the underground.

But Nova had never been given time off when Yukiji had been punished more severely. And that was also new for the girl. Never before in her life had she had to go to the cellar as a punishment. And then she would realize what Sanji had to go through.

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