Chapter 53

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The navy's visit was short-lived as they had no real reason to arrest the crew anyway. Well, actually Enie's Lobby was destroyed, but according to Garp it was an issue so he didn't have to go into it. He just said that he wouldn't arrest the crew here on this island.

Wrong thinking, because when Franky had finished building the new ship and everyone wanted to get him on board somehow, the navy also became active. She didn't even want to mention that Yukiji had seen Franky naked and that Robin had grabbed him a little further down.

Garp had then bombarded the crew with several cannonballs and had quite a lot of fun. Nova had also joined in and couldn't resist shouting to Yukiji again and again that she would be arrested. Her little clown came out again. Nova sometimes loved to put on a show, which Yukiji didn't hold against her.

"I'm sorry!" shouted Usopp in the middle of the fight, who Yukiji had noticed had not yet returned to the crew. After a long discussion and Zoro's opinion, it was clear to everyone that Usopp would only be allowed to come back if he apologized. And that was what everyone on the new ship had been waiting for, ignoring any calls from him beforehand.

This event had happened a few hours before Franky had made his escape possible. He had proudly presented his accelerator, which was powered by cola. A strange construction, but Franky already knew what he was doing.

The thousend Sunny was born and would sail the seas. The basic structure and everything that went with it remained the Going Merry, which would always remain in the hearts of the crew. However, this new ship had new functions and was bigger than the Merry, which could never continue on this path.

Franky and Iceburg had done a really good job. Yukiji had looked over everything with Chopper before Franky had joined them. There was a large meadow on the deck which could be planted. A large kitchen where Sanji could let off steam.

There was also a large aquarium which could be used to look at everything under the sea. There were even different rooms, and Yukiji, like many others, had been given his own. It wasn't big, but it gave her a place to retreat to when she wanted to.

However, there was something to think about. Since Enie's Lobby, the other members had been given their own wanted poster, and Luffy and Zoro's price had risen. At 300 million, he had now overtaken Yukiji, who had been at 165 million. Zoro was still about 5 million away from her, which had annoyed him a little.

However, he hadn't said a word since the incident with Aokiji. Chopper and Robin hadn't said anything either. And she felt rather sorry for Chopper. Every member was in the millions. He was the only one who had received a measly 50 berries.

Sanji was another matter. He didn't even have a real photo and was drawn freehand. A funny moment for Yukiji, who was shouted at by him. But Yukiji wondered why her bounty hadn't gone up. She was also in this crew and had fought in Enie's Lobby.

Was it because of her status and the fact that her father was looking for her and didn't want to ask for more money? Did the navy and the government not want to feel his wrath?

"I wonder what my other siblings think about this..." the pink-haired girl mumbled in bed as she tried to rest after all the commotion.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now