Chapter 31

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After the meal together, during which Nova had also raved that Sanji had actually improved, it was time to say goodbye again. Because for the Straw Hats, just like Nova, it was clear that they couldn't be together forever. The risk was too great to be seen together.

Yukiji bit her lower lip lightly. She was unsure what to say to her best friend. There was a lot they had to talk about. However, the timing was bad. Yukiji wanted to know more about Nova's last few years. But she had a job to do.

"Don't make such a sad face." Nova addressed the younger girl. Yukiji was about five years younger and behaved very maturely in many respects. This had been shown in her childhood days when Yukiji had protected her. Nova still didn't know exactly why. But over the years, Nova realized that it had something to do with her family. A reason why they all looked so different. Deep down, Nova knew that her father had done something that she had almost suppressed.

Nova never wanted to bring it up. But she was somehow aware that she hadn't just been given a few days off. Nova had seen the slight scars. Scars that couldn't have come from Sir Crocodile.

These skin-colored lines were far too light and already too old for that. Yukiji had a bad past, just like Sanji, who had probably coped better with everything.

"We'll meet again sometime." Nova smiled to cheer Yukiji up. She smiled slightly before closing her eyes with a grin and raising her head. "At the latest when you have to hunt us down."

She wasn't wrong. As commander, Nova was supposed to arrest these pirates. However, she also knew that they were different from other pirates. No wonder with a captain like that.

"I can't show leniency next time, Yukiji." Nova said sternly. It wasn't her place to ignore the pirates or let them go. No matter who it was. "I know..." , muttered the Vinsmoke and breathed out softly.

"Take care of Yukiji, please. Sometimes she doesn't think." , the black-haired woman asked the crew. "Not true!" Yukiji whined and heard a cheerful laugh. "This is going to be fun!" grinned Luffy.

Reassured that Yukiji was really safe with them, Nova turned to her again. "If anything happens, contact me. But only in an emergency, understood." Yukiji tilted her head questioningly. Report it? How could she?

Yukiji thought for a moment before she felt a blow on the back of her head. "Ouch!" the pink-haired girl moaned and received a reproving look. "With your cherry blossoms and the wind, you idiot!" Nova grumbled, which Yukiji now understood.

Due to the events with Crocodile, Yukiji hadn't even thought about it anymore. Instead of just collecting information, she could really call for help in bad cases. But the problem was that only Nova could hear it. Depending on which island Yukiji was on, it would probably take a while for Nova to show up.

"I got it...stop hitting me..." Yukiji grumbled and was finally hugged tightly. "Even if you don't want to hear it." Nova began to whisper. "You've become a very beautiful princess."

Tears gathered in Yukiji's eyes. Yes, she didn't want to be called a princess here. But it was nice to hear that Nove thought she was beautiful. "And you...a...beautiful commander..." Yukiji swallowed tearfully and squeezed a little tighter. Man, Nova had power!

"Right then!" the black-haired girl called out as she detached herself from Yukiji and jumped onto her transition ship. Grinning, the commander waved to the pirates, with Luffy also waving in delight.

"Until we meet again!"

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon