Chapter 55

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"She has a high temperature..." Yukiji heard a soft voice coming from Chopper. "How long has it been?" asked her brother, who had probably carried her to bed. "I guess longer, but due to all the excitement and stress over the last few days, the fever has only just started to show." Chopper said, acting a little calmer than usual. Actually, he often freaked out when someone wasn't feeling well and he had taken on a lot himself. During his treatments, however, he remained calm.

"I've brought water." said Nami, who had fetched a bucket and filled it with plenty of water. "Thank you, Nami." Chopper thanked her straight away and asked her to put a cloth on Yukiji's forehead.

She breathed uneasily and kept her mouth slightly open. Her eyes were closed and showed a slight strain as her forehead wrinkled slightly. She was trying to fight the fever herself, which her body had done automatically so that Chopper would have to help as little as possible.

"I'll make her a warm and healthy soup. It always helped her when she was little." said Sanji, who had left the cabin again.

"N..Nova..." , Yukiji whispered softly as she had gotten a brief surge of fever. Nova had been by her side once before when she had a fever. She was employed as a servant and took care of her. However, Yukiji simply perceived it as a friendly gesture.

"Nova's not here, but we'll help you." she heard Nami say quietly, which calmed Yukiji down a little. The pink-haired girl breathed a little faster again and felt a slight new weight on her. "She must be sweating out the fever. But her body is shaking."

Chopper really tried everything to help her. He wrapped damp cloths around her calves and covered them with an additional blanket. The cool cloth on her forehead was a great help to Yukiji, but it wouldn't be of much use if it warmed up too quickly.

"I'll get some more medicine. Don't cool her body down too much." came a nice order from Chopper before he had left the room.

"You could at least help and not just sit around!" Nami shouted at another person, having pulled herself together the whole time. However, these observations were getting on her nerves. "Why should I?" came the question.

"Because you have no other business here!" Nami continued to scold and received an annoyed snort. "If you go to sleep or let Yukiji out of your sight for a moment, I'll still be here."

"Huh...?" Nami was confused. So Zoro would voluntarily watch Yukiji? Good, he was always alert even if he was sleeping for a moment. Having someone like that with Yukiji wasn't so bad.

"Good, I'm relying on you." muttered Nami, who had changed the cloth.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now