Chapter 90

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After the agreement with Zoro, Yukiji had set off to get new supplies and walked through the village. Her eyes were always alert as some of the navy were nearby. At such moments, the Vinsmoke had turned away, not speaking and looking at the food. She didn't know if the navy would recognize her voice.

Yukiji had placed the bags in an alley so that Zoro could easily reach them and bring everything to her boat. It had always worked out very well until Yukiji arrived back at the main square after several hours of getting everything together.

There had been a big commotion, which was why Yukiji had hidden behind a barrel. Someone had gotten the attention of the navy and it couldn't be Zoro. He would be much louder with his swords.

"You have no say here, Admiral Nova Adysson." spoke one of the soldiers. What, Nova was here?! Shouldn't she be with Garp? Or had he sent her here on a mission? "I'm here because Vice Admiral Garp asked me to come and see what's going on. Apparently you've been flouting all the rules of the navy." Nova spoke seriously and as coolly as Yukiji had ever heard her speak.

"We have our own rules. We don't answer to any admiral, in any form whatsoever. Get out of here and don't show your face again." another soldier now spoke. The way Nova was behaving right now, she wouldn't want to wait much longer to teach them a lesson. Garp had already told her that this marine had something else in mind. She didn't know what, but they were listening to someone else.

Still deeply relaxed, Nova picked up her scythe, which she rarely used. She could defeat some opponents with her bare fists, just like Garp. He had first beaten her up and then laughed when he had seen the relationship between her and Mihawk.

"In that case..." Nova grinned a little before she swung her new weapon, which was a large and broad sword, and knocked any soldiers to the ground with it without having to do much. The black-haired girl enjoyed this show for the reason that Buggy's nature had never brought of itself. She liked showing them her position, even if it wasn't really her style.

But if Garp had already rescued her from Buggy's clutches and he had already become something of a father, she wasn't going to let it all sit on her head. Better Garp as a father than Sir Crocodile. A thought that made Nova struggle even more.

"Come on, let's take the chance and escape." Yukiji heard next to her and flinched briefly. "I can't let Nova fight alone." the pink-haired girl breathed and felt his hand on her arm. "Nova belongs to the navy, just like these soldiers. Besides, she's higher up than them. She can handle it."

Yukiji was plagued by a guilty conscience. Nova had trained her and had certainly stood up for her many times. Letting her fight alone gave her pause for thought. But she also had to agree with Zoro. The navy didn't know they were here.

"Okay..." Yukiji breathed softly and broke away from her little hiding place. Just as she was about to flee with Zoro, she heard a pained cry from Nova, which made Yukiji stop.

Her head turned slowly in her direction. The weapon lay a few meters behind her, while the soldiers now had her somewhat surrounded. A scar adorned her right cheek under her eye. A powerfully built man with four others stood in front of Nova, who gritted her teeth.

"If you don't want another scar, Nova. Then tell me where Yukiji is!" ordered the man who had caused Yukiji to freeze. "N..Never!", Nova gasped and would never betray her best friend. Not after everything this man had done!

"N..Nova..." whispered Yukiji, who despite her fear and memories had managed to break free from her stupor and had started moving. Zoro's call was no longer heard by the Vinsmoke, who had drawn her Aikido staff and held it out to Nova in the man's next sword strike, which had triggered a shockwave.

"Who dares...!" the man began to shout before he saw a slightly angry face, which had also pleased him.

"Don't you dare do anything to her, father!"

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now