Chapter 92

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Nova and Zoro calmed down as best she could, Yukiji stood upright with her head held high and held her staff in her right hand, which she had placed on the ground next to her. Yukiji knew what she was getting herself into. Her father had certainly not changed in all these years.

He had certainly continued to manipulate his fighters in his so-called criminal organization with his own genes. In doing so, he wanted all these people to be loyal and fearless to the Vinsmoke family and to serve him to the death.

Yukiji could not deny having the same fate with these fighters. She herself had become such an experiment with her siblings. Only Yukiji had been able to withstand these things from the very beginning. Just like Sanji, for whom it hadn't worked anyway, and Reiju, who could show different emotions deep inside.

But she also didn't know what her father had been up to in recent years. As a former scientist, some things were possible for him. But Yukiji couldn't think about that now. She wanted and had to win against her father to get Nova, Zoro and herself out of here. Yukiji didn't want to get married, well, not to someone her father had chosen.

For a moment, which did not last long, father and daughter looked at each other before there was a quick movement from both of them. The large spear hit the Aikido staff, which had now released another pressure wave.

Dust swirled up in front of the eyes of everyone present. When it settled, the power that had come from Jajji could be recognized. Although Yukiji was still standing, she had been pressed into the ground and pushed back. Her arms trembled to withstand the pressure.

Almost entirely thanks to Nova, who had worked with her emotions. This allowed Yukiji to concentrate better on her body instead of simply striking out. But Yukiji had not only used her newer skills from the training. Her body could remember exactly all the injections she had received in the basement. It had happened automatically that she had used her father's genes to counter his power. Something she had never actually intended to do.

"Interesting..." Jajji said and couldn't help but grin a little. So she was using her power after all. "But it will take more than that to win against me." , he said and loaded his lightning into the spear, which had appeared too quickly for Yukiji and hurled back at a high speed.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now