Chapter 77

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After everyone had had a chance to rest and Yukiji had told everyone the truth about himself, Zoro began his first training session today with Mihawk, who had rescued Nova after she had been shot. Nova had already told Yukiji why she was actually at the navy headquarters. She wasn't allowed to say the exact details, but apparently there was some kind of meeting, which was probably connected to the samurai.

Yukiji had not yet spoken about Sir Crocodile. She didn't know how she should have told Nova. However, Nova had immediately recognized from his face that something was wrong.

For this reason, Yukiji had told her what Bear had once told her, looking into a rather monotonous face. Yukiji briefly thought that Nova hadn't minded, but that had been wrong. Not a minute later, the black-haired girl was yelling and saying that if it was really true, she would spank her father properly.

After her little outburst, Nova had told her again that a message had come into the headquarters that some pirates were rioting. The only ones Nova knew were the Straw Hat Gang who could do that.

"Tell me, Nova, what exactly is going on between you and Mihawk?" asked Yukiji. After all, she wanted to know why a samurai of all people had saved someone from the navy. He couldn't care less.

"Nothing." Nova grinned a little strangely. "We're like work colleagues. We've completed a few missions through Garp. That's all there is to it." she continued, which Yukiji couldn't really believe.

Yukiji had known Nova long enough. She was stubborn about her feelings and didn't often show them. But she was simply too shy around men. The complete opposite of herself.

Nova would never talk about love. Not even when she was dying. And that's when Yukiji started to grin, who didn't find such a topic bad at all. No, she talked about it quite openly, even if it could be a bit difficult with Zoro.

"Uhhh, Nova is in loooove." Yukiji laughed and clapped her hands in delight. "That's not true!" scolded the black-haired girl, who could still hear Yukiji's laughter.

"Nova is in loooove, Nova is in looooove." Yukiji now sang a little. "Tell him!" she grinned at Nova, who gritted her teeth slightly. If she heard Yukiji laugh even once, may she not survive the next beating!

"I never thought you would really fall in love with Mihawk." Yukiji said and started laughing again, which was enough for Nova. Out of reflex, she grabbed her drinking cup and threw the water in it full into her face.

Surprised by this, Yukiji fell silent and blinked at Nova. "Huh? Don't tell me you want to deny it." , she spoke and was immediately knocked to the ground. "Ahhh!!! Nova!" came out and received a few blows, which were as usual.

"Don't you dare expose me and laugh!", roared Nova and didn't just leave it at punches. No, she also shook Yukiji, who actually laughed again.

Yukiji would never have thought that Nova could go so berserk on this subject. But the blows were enough for her, which is why Yukiji used her devil power and threw Nova off her. Another laugh came out of her mouth as she stood up.

"He needs to know." Yukiji managed to get out and saw Nova's angry eyes flash. "Don't you dare...!" the older girl began and grabbed some objects after Yukiji had run out.

"Ouch! Nova!" "Stop right there, you stupid princess!" Nova yelled after her, running. Several cups, plates and fruit flew past the head of Vinsmoke, who had to duck her head.

Disturbingly, Zoro and Mihawk had briefly interrupted their training because of the noise. Their eyes followed the women who had run past them. "What's going on with them?" they both grumbled together before shaking their heads briefly and turning their attention back to the sword fight.

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