Chapter 29

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Nova firmly pulled the young woman underneath her close to her chest to hug her. Yukiji gasped slightly, as it was not exactly comfortable for her. The crying, however, had begun on both sides. Sanji, who had seen this as a miracle, could hardly hold back either.

"You idiot!" Nova yelled now and had hit Yukiji with a full can, who had flown away and landed with her face on the deck. "Ouch..." muttered the eighteen-year-old.

"If you're going to send out a call for help, at least tell us who you are!" scolded Nova. "The risk was too great." Yukiji grumbled and briefly told her that Sir Crocodile had found her. "Oh...oh well..." Nova said now. She shouldn't have just hit Yukiji.

"Aren't you going to arrest us?" Nami asked the older girl. "Nova and hold us? No way!" grinned Yukiji, who was standing next to her best friend with her arms wrapped around her sides.

Nova's left eye twitched before she grabbed the fabric of the white top and shook Yukiji. "Don't you dare underestimate me, you prin...!" Nova began and stopped short. Did her friends even know that Yukiji was a princess and Sanji a prince?

Annoyed, the commander exhaled and let go of Yukiji, who had landed on the floor moaning. "Actually, our mission is to arrest the Straw Hat Gang. But when I heard the call for help a few months ago, I wanted to find this person." Nova explained.

"Since you seem to have helped Yukiji, I'll turn a blind eye." Nova gave in. "Oiii! I have a friend who's in the navy. Corby! Do you know him?"

Nova laughed softly. "Yes, I know him. He's part of my navy fleet. Just like Vice Commander Garp." she explained and looked at the bouncing Yukiji, who probably thought this conversation was over.

"You have to tell me everything, Nova!" Yukiji almost ordered and looked into her blue eyes. Since she didn't react very well, Yukiji turned away from her and started waving her arm.

"Sanjiiiii!!! Make us something to eat!" she demanded of her brother, who was biting on his cigarette, slightly annoyed. "Yes! I'm hungry too!" Luffy called out to him.

"You eat too much!" Sanji shouted back and didn't even take a step off the deck. "But Nova is my guest now and needs food and tea!" scolded Yukiji, which made Nova smile.

She probably didn't have to worry about her best friend anymore. Yukiji was in the best of hands here and had hardly changed from before.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat