Chapter 56

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Exhausted and tired, Yukiji woke up and slowly sat up. The reason for her awakening was still unclear even to her. However, shortly afterwards she felt a vibration that could not be from the ship. There was no sound of a storm either, so Yukiji was sure that they had docked on an island.

" so...quiet..." the Vinsmoke mumbled as she slowly stood up and her bare feet reached the wooden floorboards. The noise and vibration were not silent, but none of the crew on the ship could hear them. Actually, they always made a big noise.

"What..." Yukiji breathed as objects were lying around everywhere and some of them were broken. Had they been attacked here? How deeply had she slept? What kind of medication had Chopper given her that she hadn't noticed anything at all?

" head..." Her right hand automatically went to her head when the droning started again. Her nose was slightly closed, so Yukiji couldn't smell much. She could feel the warmth emanating from her body on her hand. The fever had not yet completely disappeared, but that was a minor matter now.

Leaving the Sunny swaying, Yukiji recognized a large dark writing which was at a stony entrance. "Thriller...Bark...?" she asked questioningly, having never heard of such an island. It seemed to be a coincidence that they had come here.

Her shaky legs carried Yukiji onwards. She didn't know her way around here, nor did she know where her friends had gone. The logical thing for her to do was to go into the forest so as not to attract attention. Her friends had certainly come up with the same idea, which was why Yukiji was now taking this route.

If only she hadn't done that. Because the forest was so big that she got lost in the darkness. Not a good thing when the others could already be back in the ship. In addition, the vibrations came from the building, which Yukiji didn't want to enter for safety's sake. Maybe she should have. It could just be her friends fighting a battle.

All her fever meant that Yukiji couldn't really think. She acted rashly and just kept running through the forest. This time, however, she followed the strong vibrations. A stupid idea, but she just wanted to get out of here.

Breathing heavily, Yukiji stopped. She could hear voices that sounded rather familiar. Hiding behind a tree, Yukiji looked to the side to recognize the people.

"Huh...?" came quietly from her mouth before she rubbed her eyes and took a closer look. Either she was daydreaming and not experiencing all of this, or her fever was playing tricks on her.

Her eyes saw two strange figures that resembled zombies. One of them was a little penguin who fought back with his little waddling feet, while the other used swords.

On top of that, they were fighting, which made Yukiji a little overwhelmed and let her sink to the ground. There was no way this was real. The voices were clear, but the bodies were not.

"I'm...dreaming. It's not...Sanji and Zoro..." Yukiji whispered to herself, closing her eyes to wake up from the dream.

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