Chapter 76

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Nova lay panting on the damp grass from which a few bubbles had risen. Standing around her were several navy soldiers who couldn't believe that they had shot an admiral who had even protected a female pirate. Yukiji's screams continued to echo in her ears even though she had long since managed to escape. She hoped that her best friend had been safe.

"Go! Get a doctor!" shouted a soldier in the crowd who had looked around in panic and finally fell silent with the other men who were also shouting. Because an aura appeared in front of them that was not to be trifled with.

"That's... Hawkeye..." said one of them, who couldn't hear Nova. Everything around her fell silent more and more. Only her heartbeat could be heard in her ears, which had slowed down.

A cautious touch made Nova look at the person who had appeared. The yellowish eyes, which had a circular pattern, looked into her blue ones. "What...are you...doing?" Nova asked quietly and coughed, causing some blood to come out.

"Taking you away from here. You need a doctor." Mihawk said in a calm voice and slowly picked up her body so as not to irritate her wound any more. She had already lost enough blood. "Otherwise you'll bleed to death."

His voice was calm and yet stern. Tones and sounds that were like music to Nova's ears. It calmed her somehow. The sounds of Yukiji would also calm her, even if this young woman often got on her nerves.

Mihawk brought Nova to his raft. He had never behaved like this towards her before. Well, Nova had never been so hurt either. However, he treated her as a simple parter, as he did on the missions. No more and no less. Or so he thought, since he had never really shown any feelings anyway.

"" Nova wanted to know from the man, who looked down at her briefly. "They managed to escape." Mihawk replied, which reassured Nova so that she could finally close her eyes.

For Mihawk, this was a sign that she had already lost far too much blood. He had to treat her as quickly as possible before she died on him. When he reached his raft, he heard a man calling out, who must have come to the island with her.

"Stop right there! What are you going to do with her?!" Garp, who had come up with Koby, wanted to know. "There are enough doctors at headquarters who can take care of her!"

"But Vice-Admiral, the doctors are overworked because of the other soldiers." came from Koby, who had taken a closer look at the situation. It was true, the doctors already had enough to do.

"I'll take her to my island and treat her." Mihawk said simply, which briefly angered Garp. "Hawkeye, you scoundrel! I'm warning you, if she dies at your hands, you'll have to deal with me!" the vice admiral roared, but Mihawk didn't care.

Enough was clear for the samurai, so he stood on his raft and left with Nova. She would need some time for the bullet wound to heal.

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