Chapter 16

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"Good girl." Crocodile praised the pink-haired girl who was sitting against a wall in his office and was being held in place with sea-stone handcuffs. Some time had passed since the crossing to Alabasta. Immediately after arriving, Crocodile had built up quite a lot and had many of the population on his side.

However, there was also a rebellion against the king. The reason for this was the drought that had arrived here. But nobody knew that Crocodile was behind it. His utopia would soon begin if his plan worked.

"But I don't need you right now." he continued and just let Yukiji sit. She found it hard to breathe, which wasn't because of all the desert air. No, she had hardly had any food or water. She lacked vitamins and minerals that would give her body energy.

"Someone...will...come...and...hold you up..." Yukiji gasped with what strength she had left. "Who, those straw hats who have already defeated some of my agents? No. Thanks to you, I know from the navy what they're up to and what their goal is."

"If the princesses have Vivi with them and support them, they'll show up soon." said All Sunday, who was also present. As soon as these words were spoken, Crocodile began to laugh. "Then they're welcome to try."

It had been a few days since that conversation. Yukiji's body trembled due to her body's shortcomings. Every now and then she could feel a tremor in the city. Rainbase, the part that belonged to Crocodile and he had settled here.

"I..can't take anymore...," Yukiji breathed to herself. She had held out for many years and was almost ready to give up.

However, she also hoped that someone had heard her call for help. Even if it was someone from the navy. The main thing was that she could get out of his clutches. If only she had sunk to the bottom of the sea like Nova and Sanji. As the bearer of a devil fruit, her life would have ended even quicker.

"We're going on a little excursion, Princess Yukiji." Crocodile spoke with your cigar in his mouth. "This straw hat has cost me time. The king must answer my questions."

"I..won' you anymore..." Yukiji tried to defend herself properly for the first time and was immediately grabbed by her neck and lifted up. "So you want to turn against me? Remember who fished you out of the sea." the man grumbled and gripped a little tighter.

Yukiji gasped with her dry throat. It just hurt. "" she said to him and heard him laugh. "It's always been very helpful to me, too. But you're not getting away from me." Crocodile grinned and dissolved more and more into his sand.

The young woman's eyes closed. Whatever was about to happen to her was certainly not good.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें