Chapter 83

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Slightly tense, Zoro clenched his teeth and made slightly annoyed noises. He hadn't actually wanted to tell Yukiji. But because of her 'attack', so to speak, she had managed to get it out of him. Just a small gust of wind had caused him to almost snap and reveal his thoughts and feelings.

His face slightly contorted, though he was still able to keep his distance from her, he looked into her still surprised face. If Yukiji had been holding something in his hands, it would probably have fallen on the sand.

A silence fell between the two of them. Only the sounds of the island reached their ears. Without even having done anything, a gentle wind arose from the sea.

Her hair was caught by it, and Yukiji's hair came into her face. Her eyes, however, were able to turn to his despite everything. She didn't care if her hair obscured her view. For her, there was only this moment that was revealed.

Had he really said that? Zoro had feelings for her? Yukiji would never have believed that it was possible with him. After all, training and the goal of becoming the best swordsman had always been more important to him.

The fact that he had thought about love or her at all was new. But her heart beat faster against her chest because of all this. A slight blush became apparent, which was barely visible because of the approaching night.

"Forget what I said!" Zoro was overcome when he saw no real movement from her. Apparently she didn't feel the same after all and had done everything in a friendly manner. Presumably, no former pirate hunter or pirate would want a princess at their side. Although, Yukiji was also a pirate because of the crew. She was certainly not a real princess with her behavior.

When Zoro wanted to devote himself to training, although there was certainly dinner, he gripped the hilt of his swords and was about to turn away from Yukiji. But just then, the pink-haired girl was able to break free from her stupor and showed more or less the typical reaction one might expect.

A joyful scream shot out of her mouth and Yukiji had jumped halfway towards Zoro, literally knocking him down. Panting, he landed on the sand, barely able to hold his swords so that the blades wouldn't catch her body and lay next to him in the sand.

Almost lying on top of him, Yukiji was beaming and couldn't resist doing what Nova would never really dare to do. Especially not so openly and energetically. She had seen from the evening with Mihawk that her best friend was shy even about this step.

Even before Zoro could yell at her for this action, her lips were already on his. It came as a surprise to him that Yukiji had simply made this move. But it felt good to him. His heart was racing, which was why he was able to get his body under control and return her kiss properly.

However, he didn't even have time for that, because Yukiji stood up as if stung by a bee, jumping around joyfully before she simply ran away from him.

"Nooooovaa!!! You don't know what just happeeeened!" Yukiji shouted full of joy, which Zoro could only blink at as he sat up. His eyes closed while his mouth twisted into a smile. She was simply beyond help. But Zoro now knew that Yukiji must be feeling the same.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now