Chapter 87

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"Thank you very much for having us here." Yukiji thanked the samurai, who looked the same as always. A slightly cold and monotonous look and not exactly interested. But Yukiji had seen him differently. Especially when Nova had been around.

Just as Yukiji had always learned, she had bowed politely to him. Something she didn't really have to do, but she had done it out of pure respect. Mihawk was a strong swordsman who had done a lot in this world over the years.

The fact that Zoro was now on a par because he had defeated the Monkey King was also thanks to him. Mihawk could have killed him or sent him away. Actually, Yukiji didn't really know why Mihawk had given them permission to be here. Maybe because he kind of liked Zoro as a fighter, or because Nova would have beaten him up. Who really knew.

"You should finally drop this politeness. After all, you're part of a pirate crew." Nova grinned. "We're not that easy." Yukiji returned with the same expression and finally bit his lip.

Nova was higher on principle because of her work. Being a pirate wasn't really a job. But if you looked at both young women, Yukiji was higher up after all. And Nova knew that too.

Yukiji had bowed to Mihawk out of respect. Something that always had to be done to nobles. This bow was not befitting of a servant.

"It was nice to have seen you for two years in a row without having to break up over anything." said Nova, who exhaled softly and slowly leaned forward with her body.

A gesture that was interrupted by Yukiji's quick hug when she noticed it. "Don't bow..." Yukiji asked softly. "You are not a servant to me, nor do I want you to bow to me."

This fact always forgotten and suppressed, Nova put her arms around Yukiji. Actually, Nova knew that she didn't have to bow. But she couldn't forget that Yukiji was still a princess.

"Thank you for everything, Nova-chan." Yukiji thanked her. Without her best friend, she would not have become better and stronger. She would have gone mad here on this island if her active mind hadn't been brought under control.

She was also grateful that she always had someone to talk to. Not really about men, but Nova had done her best, even if they were shy words.

"Take care of her." Nova said during the hug to Zoro, who had grown taller and put on muscle mass. He had his right arm resting loosely on the hilt of his sword and was waiting patiently for Yukiji.

"I will." Zoro promised, nodding briefly and bowing his head slightly. That was all it took between warriors. A small gesture between them was enough.

"When we meet again, I'll win against you in battle!" Yukiji shouted with a grin when she had broken away from Nova and was on a small boat with Zoro. Nova could only laugh and leaned forward slightly to call out to her.

"You'll never win against me, you pain in the ass!"

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now