Chapter 98

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After almost two days, they finally arrived at Sabaody Archipelago. Yukiji had been as happy as a little child again when she saw those bubbles. And that's when Nova got some memories back too. Nova docked her ship at Grove 4. This was a little more remote for ships that were supposed to be unknown. A good opportunity for Yukiji and Zoro to find their crew from here. She herself would take her ship back to the navy.

"Take better care of yourselves this time." Nova reprimanded them both. "I can't guarantee anything else." Zoro knew that and nodded his thanks to the admiral. Being noticed here again was not good at all.

"Thank you, Nova." Yukiji said. "For everything you've always done for me and the others." she added. She realized how often she had already thanked Nova. But what was Yukiji supposed to do? Nova was always a great help, no matter what.

The black-haired girl laughed. "As long as I don't see you again for a while, everything will be fine. You magically attract problems." Zoro had to grin slightly. It was true. No matter where their crew was, there were problems.

"What was your next destination again?" asked Nova to be sure. "The fish people island." Yukiji said. Kamy, Hacchi and the little starfish were certainly there. They had certainly heard everything.

"Good, then at least I know where you'll be causing problems next time." Nova grinned. "Heeey!", Yukiji scolded lightly, but had to laugh himself. "You're right."

Finally saying goodbye to Nova once more, Yukiji and Zoro ran off. They had packed the rest of their supplies into a bag that Zoro had been carrying.

A smile formed on Yukiji's face, which Zoro could see from the side. A similar feeling spread through him. Soon they would see their friends again. Although, he could still do without the spoon wielder. But without him, it would be boring and noisy on the ship.

At least Yukiji and Luffy were the ones who loved his food the most. But he didn't even have to ask Yukiji what was on her mind. Her gesture clearly showed that she was looking forward to seeing the others.

"Do you think everyone has gotten stronger?" asked Yukiji, walking past Grove 5. "Everyone has gotten stronger somehow in these two years." Zoro simply said.

What struck him was that he hadn't even gotten lost in Yukiji's presence. Actually, he would have lost sight of her long ago. Either it was because Yukiji was his girlfriend and he didn't want to leave her alone. Or he wanted to get to the thousend Sunny as quickly as possible to get to the new world without any detours.

"We have to go that way." said his girlfriend, who had picked up the paper that had moved in the next direction.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now