Chapter 88

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"We're in the wrong place!" Yukiji scolded in the middle of the sea. "What can I do if you tell me the wrong way!" Zoro shouted back, which was normal as always.

"I told you everything right! How do you manage to have no orientation like that?!" asked the Vinsmoke and couldn't believe that Zoro was still so shitty at it after all these years. He used to get lost all the time. Even on Sabaody Archipelago with the numbered trees.

"You're no better!" Zoro grumbled, comparing Yukiji to Luffy, who had always put him down, even though he wasn't any better at it. Well, at least he always found something to eat and could be found in such places. But that was another topic.

"I never got lost!" grumbled Yukiji. "What was on the Thriller Bark, huh!?" he continued to say out loud. "I was sick there!"

Actually, you wouldn't call this a harmonious relationship. But the two of them were just like that. They would rather shout at each other and talk than keep everything quiet. Each accepted the other. Their strengths and weaknesses.

And what can you say. Being out at sea in the middle of nowhere didn't make things any better. It was obvious beforehand that something like this would happen. None of them were good at navigating. Not even Yukiji, who could always find her bearings after looking around carefully.

Slightly tired of this 'argument', which wasn't really serious, Yukiji sat down on the board behind the sail. "Where is Nami when you need her..." she whined, which Zoro acknowledged with an approving exhalation and sat down as well.

Nova had actually given her a map and a compass to get back to Sabaody Archipelago, where the Straw Hats were meeting. Their actual route was to get to Fish Man Island. This plan was postponed because of Luffy's break-in at the prison and the half-blast at the Marine Ford.

How must Luffy have felt when Ace died in his arms? This must have prompted him to speak out about those two years.

A snoring sound made Yukiji look up. Zoro had actually fallen asleep. No wonder if they had been traveling for a few days without seeing an island. They had clearly lost their way.

Yukiji looked around her and tried to make sense of the wind she could feel. As far as she knew, the weather remained stable because there was an island nearby. She didn't know if she could make it like Nami, but soon the supplies would run out if she didn't do something.

Her gray eyes focused on the map and the compass. She would actually prefer a log port that would show her the way. But Nami didn't have one and Nova couldn't give Mihawk one. After all, she had to return to the navy herself and would be accompanied by Mihawk.

Asking her for help with the cherry blossoms was out of the question. Sharing information was for emergencies only. Nova had already put her position on the line because of Mihawk anyway. Although, knowing Vice-Admiral Garp, Yukiji was certainly a little more relaxed about it. Still, Yukiji didn't want to be the reason Nova lost her job.

"I can do this." Yukiji wanted to believe in herself and be a help for the journey later. Her eyes now turned back to her surroundings. Since the wind was part of her devil power, she just had to listen to it better and trust it.

With the sail finally re-set, the boat continued in a different direction. Yukiji wasn't one hundred percent sure, but there should be an island somewhere around there soon.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now