Chapter 71

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Yukiji blinked several times when she could no longer see Kama, the forest and her friends. Around her was a completely different landscape which was beautiful under different circumstances. Below her was the sand, which creaked slightly when she moved.

"Where...are we...?" asked Zoro, his face slightly contorted, having noticed everything himself. "I don't know." Yukiji replied ignorantly. Bear had probably teleported the two of them somewhere. She didn't know his exact ability.

It took a short time for Yukiji to react, feeling her pockets and searching for something in panic. Zoro looked at her questioningly, not understanding the frantic movement.

"Thank God..." the pink-haired girl breathed as the silver necklace with the blue stone appeared and hugged it to her chest with relief. "It's still there..."

"It's just a necklace." Zoro grumbled, slightly annoyed. He had thought that it was something that belonged to her friends. However, Yukiji didn't look down at him angrily, but rather sadly.

"I bought this necklace for Nova. It's supposed to be a present for her." Yukiji admitted quietly. "I wanted to give it to her at our next meeting, but..." she broke off. The memory of Nova being shot came back to her mind.

It took a moment for Yukiji to regain his composure and lower his hands a little to take a closer look at the necklace. "I was five or six years old when I met Nova. It's been about thirteen years of friendship. I haven't given Nova a big present yet, so I wanted to give her one that would cover everything." Yukiji began to explain.

"A friendship gift, a gift for her rank advancement and a birthday present after I finally got her back. But..." Yukiji broke off again. The blood that had been on her made itself felt in front of her again. A reaction that Zoro could see immediately and therefore had to exhale.

"She's tough. As if Nova would let herself be killed so easily." he said and sat down on his knees as best he could. "Give her the present the next time you see her."

Looking at him in slight surprise, Yukiji began to smile. Zoro gave her hope that Nova was really still alive. It was a nice feeling that kept her going. But he was right. Nothing could kill Nova so quickly. Not even a bullet from a gun.

"Okay." The Vinsmoken nodded and put the necklace safely back in her bag. Unfortunately, it was the only thing left of her purchase.

"Once we've sorted that out, we'll look for something on this island to get us out of here." Zoro said and received a slightly questioning look, which he didn't really understand. This plan wasn't stupid at all, so what did Yukiji have?

"I'm not leaving here until you're fit enough." the younger girl blurted out, which came as a surprise to Zoro. So she couldn't just have this childlike quality about her, she could speak with serious words. Actually like Luffy, which brought a brief smile to Zoro's lips. Someone should figure her out.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now