Chapter 10

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The sun shone brightly in the sky and burned Yukiji's skin. Her clothes were torn and soaked with the salt water that kept coming over her whole body.

Red spots had already spread across her skin. Yukiji's tears had long since been sealed. She had cried for days. The loss of her brother and her best friend still weighed heavily on her heart, but she had no strength left for more tears.

Her mouth was dry, her lip was split. The salty taste was on her tongue, which had dried her out more and more. Her cheek lay on the piece of wood that Yukiji had been carrying with her for days. Her arms and legs lay limp in the water as she had no strength to move in any direction. In addition, Yukiji could clearly feel the weakness. Not because of the water and lack of food. No, Yukiji realized that the fruit she had eaten had clearly made her even weaker here in the water.

At that moment, Yukiji was glad that Nova didn't have to go through this. That she didn't have to be in this heat. For a brief moment, Yukiji thought about just letting herself drown. Why live any longer?

But something stopped the girl from doing it. Her will to live was still there. Hidden deep in her heart, which had long since been broken.

"Nova...Sanji..." murmured the girl dreamily, who could feel the gentle waves. Yukiji pulled her arms up onto the wooden board, placing her palms on it so that she could push herself up a little.

The waves that came towards her were not because of a storm. It had to be something else approaching her. Perhaps a ship? It was possible, but the likelihood of Yukiji being seen here was small. After all, the sea was big.

The strength left Yukiji again, who lay back down and continued to drift. Her eyes closed to protect them from the sun. " go home..." , the girl said to herself.

Although the curse was the best thing that could have happened to her, Yukiji just wanted to go home. Back to her room, to her soft bed, to her siblings.

But would she even be accepted back? What would her father say? Punishment was more like it. And Reiju would certainly be in danger. Her father must not find out what she had done.

At this thought, Yukiji felt a great wave wash over her. Coughing, she spat the salt water out of her mouth and lifted her head slightly again to see what was coming towards her.

A large ship was approaching her, which gave Yukiji hope. A hope to live on and be taken somewhere. Her arm lifted to stretch towards the ship.

"" Yukiji breathed before she ran out of strength and her arm slapped into the sea. She could only vaguely hear a loud voice in her ears, shouting something to his crew.

"Come on, get the girl up!"

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now