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Stef's  POV

...And as I get out of my body, I can see it get hit violently by a car. The world all around me changed, everything I thought I knew turns out to be something so unknown, so different.

It was calm up there, it was calm yet, I feel like I'm waiting for something, like something somehow must happen for me to be comfortable because right this moment, I feel like I'm being pulled from everywhere, and it's violent, but at the same time I feel rather calm and... and light, so, so damn light.

I feel so tired though. More tired than I've ever been. And it's kind of hard to keep my soul alert to see what is happening around me as I can see my body lying on the floor in the street, bleeding, and it's blurred, it's as if I had a transparent veil in front of my eyes but I can see a bunch people gathered around it, and Lena crying all over my inert body. I can't really hear anything, but she looks like she's screaming as well and a part of me want to tell her that everything will be okay, but I can't, I can't reach to her as, even with the panic going on down there, I feel some kind of peace that I have never knew before.

Then suddenly the surrounding change and I'm in a vehicle, I can feel my body moving, but it's so weird because I'm not in it since I can see it from outside, but in a way, I'm still connected to it... I think I'm in an ambulance as I see Lena, holding my hand, and it's almost like I could feel the pressure of it, but I'm not so sure.

And suddenly again, I'm like transported higher, I can't see my body anymore, and I can't totally feel it either, and I'm even lighter than before. That's when I saw a woman.

"Hello Stef." she says.

The woman is glorious, angelic even and I don't think I've seen such peace on anyone face before.

"Who... who are you? What am I doing here?" I ask for I'm so confused.

"I'm Colleen. Thank you for having taken such a good care of my children." She says, as I'm realizing... this is Callie's and Jude's mom.

"Oh... I... thank you for making them. They brough so much joy and love to my life, I... I love them so, so much..." I say for that's what I've always wanted to say to her. I often think about her oddly... she's the woman who made my children and she didn't abandon them like it was the case for the others, and I will be forever grateful to her.

"I know..." she says with nothing but love into her eyes as I'm in awe in front of her.

"They miss you, you know? Callies became an amazing woman, she's so fearless and Jude... oh Jude, he's... he's just the sweetest soul that I've ever met... he always reminds me of my wife..." I say as she smiles so wide at me.

"I know... that's why I sent them to you two. I knew that you were the only ones that could save them." she says as all of the sudden I'm pulled slowly and I don't want to, I want to stay there with her a bit longer and talk about our children.

"Thank you..." is all I have the time to say before I get lower again, much like the moment before. I don't even know how much time that represent, I have no idea.

I can see my body again. I have tubes everywhere and my eyes are close as I'm in a room surround by people in bleu... I must be in an operating room as I can see my leg injured pretty badly and a cut on my forehead.

This time, I'm not that close to my body, I can see it, but it's smaller and I don't feel it as much as before I saw Colleen.

"Hello Stefanie." I heard making me jump for that voice, that strong and deep voice that I used to love as much as I used to fear it and I manage to turn around.

"Daddy?" I whisper feeling like my chest is going to explode...

"What are you doing here, baby girl? You shouldn't be here." he says, calling me baby girl again... that's what he used to call me when I was little.

"I... I don't know daddy... my body is... I don't know, it's down there. Can you see it?" I ask, looking at my body again, but it was even more far away now.

"I can't see it. Only you can." He says as I try so hard to get closer to him, I want to hug him, I want my daddy because I feel so small, and so weak and just tired, so, so tired. I want to rest my head on his shoulder, I want to go to sleep.

"Why? I... Daddy, I can't come closer, can you come closer, please..." I ask and it feels like I'm a little girl all over again.

"I can't Stef... I am too far gone." He says, breaking my heart as I have like this massive fatigue crashing over me.

"I miss you daddy... I miss you so much." I say, feeling my voice getting weaker and weaker.

"I know." he says, as even far away I can see his smile.

"Don't you miss me?" I ask, for even dead I'm still searching for his love and approval.

"I don't. I can see you all the time, my girl. Sometimes when you're too hot, I even make the snow fall for you." he says as I can't help but giggle and feel cold all of the sudden, but it was kind of nice.

"I want to stay with you daddy." I find myself saying for I'm exhausted, and it feels so comfortable here, the higher I get, the more I feel good, the more I feel the love around and into me and I... I just want to go higher.

"I know baby. But it's not your time yet... you still have a lot to do Stefanie. There are still people counting on you, they need you... there are even people whose happiness depends on either you would live or die... you can't stay here. You have to go back." He explained as I'm drawn to look at my body that is getting closer, but when I look up and see my father getting so far away, I started to cry.

"I don't want to leave you!" I scream as he smiled at me, and the more I see him, I can see the same kind of peace that I saw on Colleen's face earlier.

"It's okay, kid. I'll wait for you; we'll find each other again. It's time to go now." he says so tenderly as I'm suddenly pulled lower again, and the more I go, the more I can feel this connection to my body along with pain.

"I love you daddy!" I try to scream, and I'm not sure he heard me, but then I hear him very, very close, like he forced himself to get as close as possible to me.

"I love you too, baby girl."

And as I hear those words so dear to my heart, all I see is black, and then my mind kind of goes blank...

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