That Woman I Just Met

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Lena's POV

After chatting a little more, it was time to go back home now. So with my bouquet in hand, Stef and I walk to our door step, that right now is only mine since she's just dropping me off.

I could tell Stef was a bit nervous during our date, she wanted to do things right, but there are things that she didn't know how to handle since for her it was a real first.

Little did she know that I was loving that immensely, the way she cares so much... and I enjoyed every little bit of this date. It was an amazing date, and she most definitely succeed at making me feel good tonight and I love her for that, she has no idea.

So hand in hand we eventually reach the door and I'm almost sad that our date is over already. I could have spent the whole night with her...

Though she seems to have forgotten that we are not entering the home at the same time, she remembers it when I turn around facing her before I open the door. It's time we say goodbye now.

"Well... I had a very good time with you tonight, Stef." I say, softly smiling at her, and we were getting all awkward for that's when it usually gets odd, when you have to say goodbye to someone after the first date, and you don't really know what it is appropriate to do, what the other person is going to think if you try to kiss them, if you don't and all of that. Even I was getting nervous right now.

"I did too. I can't wait for our second date that I know that I will get." She says very satisfy of herself as she makes me giggle like some teenager...

It was great to relive those moments if I'm honest, our debut... Stef basically acted like the first time we went on a date, though it was as "friends" at first. She was so cute and stuttering and funny and... and beautiful...

"I can't wait either..." I say softly as Stef now squeezes my hand, pulling me just a little closer to her.

I looked deeply into her hazel eyes. They were so shinny and well... switching between my eyes and my lips. At one point we locked eyes and fuck did I want to kiss her... feel her again as we both lean in slowly, getting our faces closer and closer.

Stef closes her eyes, and we are so close that I can feel her breathe on my lips, and I'm pretty sure she can feel the same as our mouths open very slightly, and we are getting even more close. Her smell was killing me, and I just wanted to grab her and take her right there, and as we were about to make contact with our lips, I smiled. My heart was beating fast, and I was kind of breathing a little harder now.

"I don't kiss on the first date, Stefanie..." I whisper devilishly, right against her open mouth that wasn't touching mine, but almost, for I wanted to drive her insane, make her longue for that kiss that she refused to give me after she got me off in the shower that night. It was hard for me to resist her as well, but I needed to make her understand that she has to deserve that kiss now.

I pull away, feeling her getting a sigh out of frustration, but also out of desire and that for me was a win for as I look back into her eyes, I could tell she just wanted to kiss me anyway, but she knew I was the one deciding.

"Have a good night though." I say in a low voice, just to piss her off a little as she smiles at me for, she knows I just got her number, so just to give her at least a little reward for this amazing date, I lean in and lay a very light kiss on her cheek.

"Good night, Lena." she says gently as I now open my door, giving her a last look, a last smile and then I go in and close the door in her face.


The next morning, I woke up feeling amazing and in a good mood, I went downstair to get breakfast ready and I was surprised to find Stef making breakfast.

"Oh, good morning." I say as she turns around and smiles wide at me.

"Hi." She says softly.

"You're up early... and you seem in a good mood." I say for she had soft music on, and she was literally dancing, which is something very rare for her.

"Oh yeah, I am. I got on a date last night with that woman I just met." She says, smiling at me playfully.

"Oh yeah? Was it good?" I ask, playing along and smiling just as wide.

"It was! I loved it very much. But can you believe that she didn't even kiss me?" she says, teasing me now.

"Oh really? Why do you think is that?" I ask, trying not to laugh for I really teased her, and then left her there high and dry.

"No idea. All I got was a kiss on the cheek. A very good one indeed, but still... it tasted like not enough." She says now winking at me.

"Well... I guess maybe next time you'll get more... maybe." I say, teasing her even more.

"Oh woman, aren't you devilish." She says as I can't help but laugh now as she shakes her head at me for, she knows exactly that I'm playing with her.

"Is she worth it though?" I find myself asking now and that's when she became more serious and stopped what she was doing to look at me deeply in the eyes, smiling so tenderly at me.

"You have no idea..." she says so damn softly... Gosh, I really need to be strong and not give it all to her too soon... I'm scared that she'll take me for granted if I do.

And as I look into her eyes once again, I have only one desire it is to kiss her... but I'm soon interrupt by our daughter.

"Good morning, Moms!" 

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